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From Marathon Documentation
Pages in category "News/Queries"
The following 58 pages are in this category, out of 58 total.
- News:Change client in Accounting - Queries
- News:Change client in Accounting - Queries/en
- News:Change client in Accounting - Queries/fi
- News:Change to Queries
- News:Change to Queries/en
- News:Column "Excl. VAT" under Accounting queries
- News:Column "Excl. VAT" under Accounting queries/en
- News:Column for Job type under Project - Queries
- News:Column for Job type under Project - Queries/en
- News:Columns for Estimate under Accounting - Queries - Accounts
- News:Columns for Estimate under Accounting - Queries - Accounts/en
- News:Cost center columns in Queries
- News:Cost center columns in Queries/en
- News:Credit control in Project queries
- News:Credit control in Project queries/en
- News:New column, Internal correction, in Accounting/Queries/Client invoices
- News:New column, Internal correction, in Accounting/Queries/Client invoices/da
- News:New column, Internal correction, in Accounting/Queries/Client invoices/en
- News:New column, Internal correction, in Accounting/Queries/Client invoices/fi
- News:New column, Internal correction, in Accounting/Queries/Client invoices/nb
- News:New column, Internal correction, in Accounting/Queries/Client invoices/sv
- News:New columns for Client Category
- News:New columns for Client Category/en
- News:New columns in Project, Queries, Client and project
- News:New columns in Project, Queries, Client and project/en
- News:New columns, Estimate Fees and Estimate Total in Projects, Queries, All projects
- News:New columns, Estimate Fees and Estimate Total in Projects, Queries, All projects/da
- News:New columns, Estimate Fees and Estimate Total in Projects, Queries, All projects/en
- News:New columns, Estimate Fees and Estimate Total in Projects, Queries, All projects/sv
- News:Selection of clearing status
- News:Selection of clearing status/en
- News:Selection on Account under Accounting - Queries - Book of entries
- News:Selection on Account under Accounting - Queries - Book of entries/en
- News:Selection on Account under Accounting - Queries - Book of entries/fi
- News:Selection on Currency in queries Supplers invoices
- News:Selection on Currency in queries Supplers invoices/en
- News:Selection on Inv date and Due date under Accounting - Queries - Client invoices
- News:Selection on Inv date and Due date under Accounting - Queries - Client invoices/en
- News:Selection on Payment date for Client invoices and Suppliers invoices in Queries
- News:Selection on Payment date for Client invoices and Suppliers invoices in Queries/en
- News:Selection to exclude zero-invoices in Accounting/Queries
- News:Selection to exclude zero-invoices in Accounting/Queries/da
- News:Selection to exclude zero-invoices in Accounting/Queries/en
- News:Selection to exclude zero-invoices in Accounting/Queries/fi
- News:Selection to exclude zero-invoices in Accounting/Queries/nb
- News:Selection to exclude zero-invoices in Accounting/Queries/sv
- News:Show several client invoices under Accounting - Queries - Client invoices
- News:Show several client invoices under Accounting - Queries - Client invoices/en
- News:Sum of selected rows in Accounting queries
- News:Sum of selected rows in Accounting queries/en