Revision history of "News:Deduct from collective client for Pre-inv in MED/da"

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  • (cur | prev) 15:48, 17 June 2020TR (talk | contribs). . (446 bytes) (-7). . (Created page with "Parameteren gæller både løbende acontoafregning og totalafregning")
  • (cur | prev) 15:45, 17 June 2020TR (talk | contribs). . (453 bytes) (-43). . (Created page with "Hvis parameteren er afkrydset vil acontoen afregnes fra alle kunder, der er knyttet til overkunden, acontoen er registreret på.")
  • (cur | prev) 15:44, 17 June 2020TR (talk | contribs). . (496 bytes) (-8). . (Created page with "<b>Afregning fra overkunde ved aconto i MED</b>")
  • (cur | prev) 15:44, 17 June 2020TR (talk | contribs). . (504 bytes) (-24). . (Created page with "{{News |Afregning fra overkunde ved aconto i MED |module=Media |group=Fakturering |revision=0 |case=1130081 |published=2020-06-17 }}")
  • (cur | prev) 15:44, 17 June 2020TR (talk | contribs). . (528 bytes) (+528). . (Created page with "Afregning fra overkunde ved aconto i MED")