Revision history of "News:New error message in Reconciliation/sv"

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  • (cur | prev) 15:19, 2 March 2023TR (talk | contribs). . (593 bytes) (+17). . (Created page with "Felmeddelande är nu ändrat till Ouppdaterade bortbokningar saknas.")
  • (cur | prev) 15:18, 2 March 2023TR (talk | contribs). . (576 bytes) (-49). . (Created page with "Tidigare, när en användare försökte UPPDATERA BORTBOKNINGAR i ett bolag som inte hade aktiverat parametern Bokför bortbokningar automatiskt, fick man felmeddelandet Utskr...")
  • (cur | prev) 15:13, 2 March 2023TR (talk | contribs). . (625 bytes) (-2). . (Created page with "Ett nytt felmeddelande har lagts till i Media, Avstämning")
  • (cur | prev) 14:53, 2 March 2023TR (talk | contribs). . (627 bytes) (-2). . (Created page with "<b>Nytt felmeddelande i Avstämning </b>")
  • (cur | prev) 14:52, 2 March 2023TR (talk | contribs). . (629 bytes) (-5). . (Created page with "{{News |Nytt felmeddelande i Avstämning |module=Media |group=Avstämning |version=546W2301 |revision=0 |case=CORE-4471 |published=2023-03-02 }}")
  • (cur | prev) 14:52, 2 March 2023TR (talk | contribs). . (634 bytes) (+634). . (Created page with "Nytt felmeddelande i Avstämning")