Revision history of "News:New warning for insertion dates/nb"

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  • (cur | prev) 09:57, 28 June 2023TR (talk | contribs). . (493 bytes) (+9). . (Created page with "Dersom innrykksdatoen eller sluttdatoen er mere enn to år i fremtida i både Tabellregistreringen og i standardregistreringsprogrammet, vil en advarsel vises")
  • (cur | prev) 09:55, 28 June 2023TR (talk | contribs). . (484 bytes) (-2). . (Created page with "En ny advarsel er tilkommet for innrykksdatoer.")
  • (cur | prev) 09:54, 28 June 2023TR (talk | contribs). . (486 bytes) (-1). . (Created page with "<b>Ny advarsel for innrykksdatoer</b>")
  • (cur | prev) 09:54, 28 June 2023TR (talk | contribs). . (487 bytes) (+2). . (Created page with "{{News |Ny advarsel for innrykksdatoer |module=Media |group=Mediebudsjetter |version=546W2306 |revision=0 |case=CORE-4909 |published=2023-06-20 }}")
  • (cur | prev) 09:54, 28 June 2023TR (talk | contribs). . (485 bytes) (+485). . (Created page with "Ny advarsel for innrykksdatoer")