Revision history of "News:Search for invoices in Project queries/fi"

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  • (cur | prev) 07:09, 6 September 2017TR (talk | contribs). . (508 bytes) (+4). . (Created page with "Laskut näkyvät tavallisessa Asiakas ja Projektiohjelmassa; se aukeaa automaattisesti kun valitset projektin listalta ja painat {{btn|Näytä projekti}}")
  • (cur | prev) 07:07, 6 September 2017TR (talk | contribs). . (504 bytes) (-21). . (Created page with "Hakutulos näkyy projektilistana, jossa on tietoa laskunumerosta.")
  • (cur | prev) 07:07, 6 September 2017TR (talk | contribs). . (525 bytes) (-24). . (Created page with "Nyt voit lasku- ja viitenumeroiden avulla etsiä projekteja, joilla on kyseiset laskut.")
  • (cur | prev) 07:06, 6 September 2017TR (talk | contribs). . (549 bytes) (+2). . (Created page with "{{News |Laskujen hakeminen Projektikysymyksissä |module=Project accounting |group=Project |version=546 |revision=40652 |case=949096 |published=2017-09-05 }}")
  • (cur | prev) 07:06, 6 September 2017TR (talk | contribs). . (547 bytes) (+547). . (Created page with "Laskujen hakeminen Projektikysymyksissä")