Revision history of "News:Suggestion from latest pre-invoice/fi"

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  • (cur | prev) 09:58, 14 April 2022TR (talk | contribs). . (523 bytes) (-3). . (Created page with "Ehdotukset tulevat edellisestä olemassa olevasta laskusta samalla ennakkonumerolla")
  • (cur | prev) 09:58, 14 April 2022TR (talk | contribs). . (526 bytes) (+12). . (Created page with "Kun teet uuden ennakkolaskun ennakkonumerolle, saat ehdotukset seuraaviin kenttiin: Valuutta Kurssi Ryhmä Teksti Määrä Alv-velvoite")
  • (cur | prev) 09:57, 14 April 2022TR (talk | contribs). . (514 bytes) (+3). . (Created page with "<b>Ehdotukset edellisestä ennakkolaskusta </b>")
  • (cur | prev) 09:56, 14 April 2022TR (talk | contribs). . (511 bytes) (+4). . (Created page with "{{News |Ehdotukset edellisestä ennakkolaskusta |module=Media |group=Laskutus |version=546W2203 |revision=0 |case=1165010 |published=2022-04-13 }}")
  • (cur | prev) 09:56, 14 April 2022TR (talk | contribs). . (507 bytes) (+507). . (Created page with "Ehdotukset edellisestä ennakkolaskusta")