Difference between revisions of "NEWSːDefault valuta i Projektrapporter/en"

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(Created page with "{{News |Default currency in project reports |module= |group=Projekt Rapporter |version=546 |revision=36095 |case=932070 |published=2016-06-01 }}")
(Created page with "Suggested currency is the base currency of the company.")
Line 10: Line 10:
Suggested currency is the base currency of the company.
Föreslagen valuta är det inloggade företagets basvaluta

Revision as of 08:31, 14 June 2016

Default currency in project reports
Published 2016-06-01
Module Projekt Rapporter
Version 546
Revision 36095
Case number 932070

Suggested currency is the base currency of the company.