Difference between revisions of "News:Val om kurser ska behållas eller raderas vid kopiering av plan/order/en"

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|Choose to keep or delete rates when copying plan/order
|Val om kurser ska behållas eller raderas vid kopiering av plan/order”
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När man kopierar en gammal plan/order så kontrollerar Marathon om det finns en gammal kurs någon utav ordnarna som man kopierar.
When copying an old plan/order, Marathon checks if there is any old rate on some of the orders.
It there is an old rate, Marathon asks if you want to keep the rates or delete them.
Om det finns en gammal kurs får man frågan om man vill behålla eller radera kurserna.

Latest revision as of 17:03, 2 February 2017

Choose to keep or delete rates when copying plan/order
Published 2017-02-02
Module Media
Version 546
Revision 38727
Case number 803340

When copying an old plan/order, Marathon checks if there is any old rate on some of the orders. It there is an old rate, Marathon asks if you want to keep the rates or delete them.