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Suppliers' invoices now bookable directly when saving
Möjlighet att bokföra leverantörsfaktura direkt vid sparning
You can now book a supplier's invoice directly as you save it. If the whole invoice is posted and enough approves, you can press the button Save/book. Enter accounting date and save, and the invoice will automatically be booked and saved. You will receive its voucher number in a separate window.
Det går nu att bokföra en leverantörsfaktura direkt när den sparas. Om du konterat hela fakturan och den är tillräckligt attesterad kan du trycka på knappen Spara och bokför. Ange bokföringsdatum och spara så sparas och bokförs fakturan direkt. Du meddelas vilket verifikationsnummer fakturan får i ett separat fönster.

Latest revision as of 11:15, 14 November 2017

Suppliers' invoices now bookable directly when saving
Published 2017-11-13
Module Purchase ledger
Version 546
Revision 41230
Case number 998923

Suppliers' invoices now bookable directly when saving

You can now book a supplier's invoice directly as you save it. If the whole invoice is posted and enough approves, you can press the button Save/book. Enter accounting date and save, and the invoice will automatically be booked and saved. You will receive its voucher number in a separate window.