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*Jag får meddelandet ”Alla fakturor kunde inte skickas”, vad beror det på?
*I get a message "All invoices could not be sent", why?
Det inträffar ofta när det är något tekniskt problem inblandat. Det kan vara något temporärt nätverksfel eller någon konfigurationsmiss i parametrarna. Det bästa sättet är att prova igen efter några minuter men om felet skulle kvarstå får ni kontakta Kalin Setterberg för vidare felsökning.
It happens often if some kind of technical problem has occured. It can be a temporary network error or a configuration failure in the parameters. Try again in a few minutes. If the error remains, contact Kalin Setterberg for further assistance.
*Jag får inte upp alla fakturor på listan i Fakturadistributionen när jag söker?
*I can't see all invoices on the list in Invoice distribution when I am searching, why?
Ändra urvalen i selekteringarna innan du gör sökningen. Glöm inte att kryssa för den sorts fakturor som ska visas {{kryss|(Projektfakturor, Mediefakturor, Direktfakturor)}}. Är fakturan ingen e-faktura, så ska du kryssa ur rutan {{kryss|Endast e-fakturor}}.
Change your selection. Remeber to check what sort of invoices you wish to see; "Project invoices", "Media invoices" or "Direct invoices". If the invoice is not electronic, uncheck the box "Only e-invoices".
*Varför sparas inte min selektering i Fakturadistribution?
*Why is my selection not saved in Invoice distribution?
Klicka på {{btn|Spara}} efter du selekterat, då sparas de och du slipper göra om dem.
Click on SAVE after you've made your selection.
*Jag ser redan skickade fakturor i Fakturadistributionen, hur får jag bort dessa från listan?
*I see invoices in teh Invoice distribution that have alrady been sent. How can i delete them from the list?
Kryssa i {{kryss|Endast ej skickade}} i selekteringen för att slippa få med de som redan skickats.
Check the box "Only not sent" in the selection and you will not see them anymore.
*I kolumnen Sändkö i Fakturadistributionen står ett meddelande. Var finns Sändkön och vad är det?
*I have a message in the Sending queue column. Where is the sending queue and what is it?
Sändkön hanterar alla mejl, e-fakturor och fax som skickas från Marathon. Den finns i {{pth|System:Sändkö}}.
The sending queue handles all emails, e-invoices and faxes that have been sent from Marathon. You'll find the program in System: Sending queue.
*Vad används knappen Export till?
*What is the function EXPORT for?
Den används för att exportera fakturafiler till ett externt bokföringsprogram.
For exporting invoice files to an external accounting system.
*Jag har skrivit ut en faktura till fel e-postmottagare, kan jag mejla fakturan till en annan mottagare utan att kreditera den?
*I have printed an invoice to a wrong recipient. Can I mail it again without crediting it?
Du kan i Fakturadistributionen ändra e-postadress med knappen {{btn|Ändra}}, och sedan skicka iväg fakturan på nytt till den rätta mottagaren.
You can change e-mail address in the invoice distribution with CHANGE and send it again. Project invoices do not have to be credited.

Latest revision as of 11:26, 18 June 2018

FAQ item
Published unknown
Module Accounting
Version 546
Revision unknown
  • I get a message "All invoices could not be sent", why?

It happens often if some kind of technical problem has occured. It can be a temporary network error or a configuration failure in the parameters. Try again in a few minutes. If the error remains, contact Kalin Setterberg for further assistance.

  • I can't see all invoices on the list in Invoice distribution when I am searching, why?

Change your selection. Remeber to check what sort of invoices you wish to see; "Project invoices", "Media invoices" or "Direct invoices". If the invoice is not electronic, uncheck the box "Only e-invoices".

  • Why is my selection not saved in Invoice distribution?

Click on SAVE after you've made your selection.

  • I see invoices in teh Invoice distribution that have alrady been sent. How can i delete them from the list?

Check the box "Only not sent" in the selection and you will not see them anymore.

  • I have a message in the Sending queue column. Where is the sending queue and what is it?

The sending queue handles all emails, e-invoices and faxes that have been sent from Marathon. You'll find the program in System: Sending queue.

  • What is the function EXPORT for?

For exporting invoice files to an external accounting system.

  • I have printed an invoice to a wrong recipient. Can I mail it again without crediting it?

You can change e-mail address in the invoice distribution with CHANGE and send it again. Project invoices do not have to be credited.