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*Why can I not select a certain user as approver?
*Varför kan jag inte välja en användare som attestör?
Either the user is not authorised to the company, or he/she has been blocked because of too many invalid login attempts. Give the user a new password by selecting him/her in the list and clicking on NEW PASSWORD. After that the user should be selectable.
Antingen är användaren inte behörig till bolaget, eller så är användaren spärrad på grund av för många felaktiga inloggningsförsök. Du kan ge användaren ett nytt lösenord genom att du markerar användaren, och trycker på {{btn|Nytt lösenord}}. Därefter borde användaren kunna väljas som attestör.
*I want to make changes in an invoice but receive an error message saying "Do not change - approval has started"?
*Jag vill ändra en faktura men får meddelande "Får ej ändras - attest påbörjad”?
Go to tab Scanning in Supplier's invoices and click UNDO. The pictures that has not yet been preliminary entered are shown. Click on undo until you are on the invoice you want to remove. Select it and click DELETE. Next AT-number will back one step.
Fakturan kan inte ändras under Leverantörsreskontra/Ankomstregistrering men det går bra att göra ändringar i Leverantörsreskontra/Attestbevaking när attest påbörjats.
*I want to cancel an invoice but gets the error message "Could not delete (Unlocked)”?
*Jag vill makulera en faktura men får meddelandet ”Kunde ej radera (Upplåst)”?
Om man klickar {{btn|Makulera}} faktura i Ankomstregistreringen innan fakturan har sparats visas meddelandet "Kunde ej rader (upplåst)". Välj {{btn|Avbryt}} istället. Om den inskannade fakturan ska tas bort, tryck {{btn|Skanning}} och sedan på {{btn|Ångra}}. De bilder som inte ankomstregistrerats än kommer upp. Klicka {{btn|Ångra}} tills den faktura du vill ta bort visas. Markera fakturan och välj {{btn|Radera}}. Nästa AT-nummer backar.
If you click on {{btn|Cancel}} in the Preliminary entering before the invoice has been saved you recieve this message. Choose {{btn|Cancel}} instead. If the scanned invoice should be deleted, click on {{btn|Scan}} and then {{btn|Undo}}. The scanned documents that has not been registered yet will appear. Click the button {{btn|Undo}} until you see the invoic you want to delete. Mark the invoice and click on {{btn|Delete}}. Next AT-number will be corrected automatically.
*How do I delete a scanned but not yet preliminary entered invoice?
*Hur kan jag radera en inskannad faktura som ännu inte ankomstregistrerats?
Go to tab Scanning in Supplier's invoices and click UNDO. The pictures that has not yet been preliminary entered are shown. Click on undo until you are on the invoice you want to remove. Select it and click DELETE. Next AT-number will back one step.
Gå till Skanning och tryck på {{btn|Ångra}}. De bilder som inte ankomstregistrerats än kommer upp. Klicka på {{btn|Ångra}} tills den faktura du vill ta bort visas. Välj {{btn|Radera}}. Nästa AT-nummer backar.
*Why do I receive the message "Does not want e-mails" when I am sending an invoice to an approver?
*Varför får jag meddelandet ”Önskar ej mail” när jag ska maila fakturan till en attestör?
In the user records in Base registers/General/Users, tab Approval you can select the option "Send e-mail about new invoices".
På användaren i {{pth|Basregister/Allmänt/Användare}} under fliken Attest finns valet {{kryss|Maila om ny faktura}}.
*Är det möjligt att få fakturor OCR-tolkade?
*Is it possible to get invoices OCR-interpreted?
Ja, kontakta Kalin Setterberg för mer information.
Yes, please contact Kalin Setterberg for more information.

Latest revision as of 11:36, 18 June 2018

FAQ item
Published unknown
Module Accounting
Version 546
Revision unknown
  • Why can I not select a certain user as approver?

Either the user is not authorised to the company, or he/she has been blocked because of too many invalid login attempts. Give the user a new password by selecting him/her in the list and clicking on NEW PASSWORD. After that the user should be selectable.

  • I want to make changes in an invoice but receive an error message saying "Do not change - approval has started"?

Go to tab Scanning in Supplier's invoices and click UNDO. The pictures that has not yet been preliminary entered are shown. Click on undo until you are on the invoice you want to remove. Select it and click DELETE. Next AT-number will back one step.

  • I want to cancel an invoice but gets the error message "Could not delete (Unlocked)”?

If you click on Cancel in the Preliminary entering before the invoice has been saved you recieve this message. Choose Cancel instead. If the scanned invoice should be deleted, click on Scan and then Undo. The scanned documents that has not been registered yet will appear. Click the button Undo until you see the invoic you want to delete. Mark the invoice and click on Delete. Next AT-number will be corrected automatically.

  • How do I delete a scanned but not yet preliminary entered invoice?

Go to tab Scanning in Supplier's invoices and click UNDO. The pictures that has not yet been preliminary entered are shown. Click on undo until you are on the invoice you want to remove. Select it and click DELETE. Next AT-number will back one step.

  • Why do I receive the message "Does not want e-mails" when I am sending an invoice to an approver?

In the user records in Base registers/General/Users, tab Approval you can select the option "Send e-mail about new invoices".

  • Is it possible to get invoices OCR-interpreted?

Yes, please contact Kalin Setterberg for more information.