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(Created page with "*What is the different between VAT code ad VAT rate on the project? The VAT code directs the revenue to the correct row in the VAT declaration. The VAT rate determines the pe...")
(Created page with "*Do I have to change both VAT code and VAT rate on the project? VAT rate is only used if the project has VAT code "Domestic VAT". If you use other VAT codes, VAT rate is irre...")
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The VAT code directs the revenue to the correct row in the VAT declaration. The VAT rate determines the percentage of VAT in domestic invoices. For other VAT codes the system does not take in account VAT rates at all, thus they don't have to be changed.
The VAT code directs the revenue to the correct row in the VAT declaration. The VAT rate determines the percentage of VAT in domestic invoices. For other VAT codes the system does not take in account VAT rates at all, thus they don't have to be changed.
*Do I have to change both VAT code and VAT rate on the project?
*Måste jag byta både momskod och momssats på projektet?
VAT rate is only used if the project has VAT code "Domestic VAT". If you use other VAT codes, VAT rate is irrelevant.
Momssatsen används endast när projektet har momskod "Inhemsk moms". Vid andra momskoder tittar systemet inte på momssatsen alls, så den behöver inte ändras.
*Jag vill ha en avvikande adress på ett projekt, hur lägger jag in det?
*Jag vill ha en avvikande adress på ett projekt, hur lägger jag in det?

Revision as of 11:32, 27 October 2015

FAQ item
Published unknown
Module System
Version 546
Revision unknown
  • How do I change VAT on the client/project?

In the Invoicing tab in Base registers/Pro/Clients and projects. VAT code data is not synchronised, meaning that changes on the client only affects future project. If you want to change the whole VAT rate, state that in the VAT rate field. Note, that VAT rate only is used in domestic vat . In other cases the system does not account on VAT rate at all.Thus you don't have to have a VAT rate that is 0%.

  • I have set special prices to a client but cannot see them in the projects?

Click on Update project in the client register, tab Price fees and check all projects that shall have the special price. All new projects will have the price list automatically.

  • What is the different between VAT code ad VAT rate on the project?

The VAT code directs the revenue to the correct row in the VAT declaration. The VAT rate determines the percentage of VAT in domestic invoices. For other VAT codes the system does not take in account VAT rates at all, thus they don't have to be changed.

  • Do I have to change both VAT code and VAT rate on the project?

VAT rate is only used if the project has VAT code "Domestic VAT". If you use other VAT codes, VAT rate is irrelevant.

  • Jag vill ha en avvikande adress på ett projekt, hur lägger jag in det?

Med hjälp av en fakturakund, som registreras i Basregister/Pro/Fakturakunder. Öppna sedan projektet, "synkronisera av det från kunden" i fliken Parametrar 2, och ange fakturakunden i fältet Kundnummer i fliken Kontakt.

  • Kan jag få ut en projektlista från Basregistret?

Ja, genom att trycka på Export alla projekt. Kryssa för de uppgifter du vill skriva ut, tryck Ok.

  • Hur får jag ut en lista över alla avvikande timpriser?

I Basregister/Pro/Avvikande timpriser. Avvikande priser inlagda direkt på kunderna och projekten syns inte i listan, men med Export kan du skriva ut dessa. Kryssa för "Alla poster" så kommer de med.

  • Jag har bytt momskod på kunden, men fakturan kommer ändå ut med fel moms?

Momskod är ingen synkroniserad uppgift, den måste ändras på projektet manuellt.