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(Created page with "*How do I get access to the {{btn|Change employee}}-function? Your authorisation group has to have authorisation to Open all in {{pth|System:Authorisation}} under Project acc...")
(Created page with "*How do I get a list from Marathon with registered time in hours? At the right side of the calendar, click {{btn|Project}}. Right-click on the list and select Excel, Print or...")
Line 41: Line 41:
Your authorisation group has to have authorisation to Open all in {{pth|System:Authorisation}} under Project accounting.
Your authorisation group has to have authorisation to Open all in {{pth|System:Authorisation}} under Project accounting.
*Hur gör jag om jag vill ta ut en lista från Marathon registrerad tid i antal timmar?
*How do I get a list from Marathon with registered time in hours?
At the right side of the calendar, click {{btn|Project}}. Right-click on the list and select Excel, Print or PDF.
Tryck på {{btn|Summa projekt}}. Högerklicka i listan med timmar och välj Kalkyl, Skriv ut eller välj PDF.
*Kan jag på något smidigt sätt rapportera in hela min semester?
*Kan jag på något smidigt sätt rapportera in hela min semester?

Revision as of 12:12, 28 October 2015

FAQ item
Published unknown
Module Project
Version 546
Revision unknown
  • An employee has started to work part time, where do I change it?

Go to the employee register in Base registers/Pro/Employees, tab Calendar. Enter an end date for the calendar and a start date on the next row and connect the new row to a part time calendar.

  • I have entered a client , but cannot see it in Time reporting, why?

Open the Project field and press Update. Also make sure that the boxes "Only own", "Latest" and "Quick search" are unchecked. Also ensure that "Time reporting" is checked on teh project in the project register.

  • I have new employees without any time reporting request; the days in the calendar are green?

Select a calendar and a start date for it in the employee register Base registers/Pro/Employee, tab calendar.

  • Is there any way to report amounts instead of hours?

No, the amount is automatically calculated according to the price that has been set on either the employee or the fee code.

  • Hur kommer jag åt mina medarbetares tid?

Tryck på Avprickning tid för att se en översikt på hur medarbetarna rapporterat. Tryck på Byt medarbetare för att komma in en medarbetares tidrapport.

  • An employee cannot report time. Why?

In the employee record in Base registers/Pro/Employee, tab General, the box "Time reporting" has to be checked.

  • Why don't the hours show on the projects?

The hours haven't been updated in Project: Registration, corrections and updatings

  • Why are some times yellow in the reconciliation view?

The time reporter has marked the day as unfinished and it is thus not updated.

  • What do I do when an employee quits?

In the employee registers in Base registers/Pro/Employees, uncheck the boxes "Time reporting" and "Active". Enter en end date in the tab Calendar. Also deactivate the person in the user register in Template:Path.

  • I cant report time in my phone, why?

Maybe your company doesn't have agreement to use Marathon Pocket. In other case, make sure that the box "Time reporting" is checked in the employee record in Base registers/Pro/Employee, tab General.

Where can I set authorisation to read time report reconciliations? In System: Authorisation, Project accounting/Reconciliation time.

  • How do I get access to the Change employee-function?

Your authorisation group has to have authorisation to Open all in System:Authorisation under Project accounting.

  • How do I get a list from Marathon with registered time in hours?

At the right side of the calendar, click Project. Right-click on the list and select Excel, Print or PDF.

  • Kan jag på något smidigt sätt rapportera in hela min semester?

Ja, tryck på Massändra och klicka på alla dagar som ska rapporteras. Ange sedan projekt, kod och antal timmar per dag.

  • Medarbetaren ser inte kompsaldo i Marathon Tid, varför?

Kompsaldot är inte inställt på medarbetaren i Basregister/Pro/Medarbetare fliken Semester och övertid. Ange från och med datum i fältet Kompsaldo per, och antal timmar medarbetaren hade innestående det datumet i fältet Kompsaldo.

  • Kan man ha flera rapporteringsmallar i Marathon tid?

Nej det kan man inte.