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*Why can I not open a new project; i get an error message saying "Could not save: project number already exists"?
*Why can I not open a new project; i get an error message saying "Could not save: project number already exists"?
The project number counter is not in step with the numbers, probably because projects have been changed between clients. Adjust the number counter in {{pth|Base registers/PRO/Clients and Projects}} on the client in the tab Parameters 2, field Latest project number.
The project number counter is not in step with the numbers, probably because projects have been changed between clients. Adjust the number counter in Base registers/PRO/Clients and Projects on the client in the tab Parameters 2, field Latest project number.
*Hur ändrar man ID projektet?
*How do I change ID on a project?
In Base registers/PA/Client and project, use button Change project-id.Use arrow to see all alternatives. Note, that the ID you want to change to must be new. It cannot be taken by another project on the same client.
Använd program 04-21-70 i Classic. Observera att ID:et man byter till måste vara nytt. Det får inte vara upptaget av ett annat projekt på samma kund.
*Hur ändrar man ID kunden?
*How do I change ID on the client?
Change client code in Base registers/PA/Clients and projects, button Change client code.
Ändra kundkod i Classic 04-20-30.
*Can I change currency on a certain project without changing it on the client?
*Kan man ändra valuta på ett enskilt projekt utan att ändra på kunden? Och i så fall hur?
Yes, go to the project in Base register/Pro/Client and project. In the tab Parameters 2, uncheck the box "Synchronize project with client". Then change the invoicing currency in the Invoicing tab.
Ja, gå in på projektet i {{ptn|Basregister/Pro/Kund och Projekt}}. I fliken Parametrar 2, ta bort krysset från {{kryss|Synkronisera projekt med kund}}. Ändra sedan faktureringsvalutan i fliken Fakturering.
*How do I change our reference on a client invoice?
*Hur ändrar man vår referens på en kundfaktura?
Go to the project in Change and select a new project manager..
På projektet i {{ptn|Projekt/Frågor/Kund och Projekt}}, gå till fliken Grunduppgifter. Tryck på {{btn|Ändra}} och ange en ny projektledare.
*Can I block a project from time reporting?
*Kan man spärra ett projekt för tidsrapportering?
Yes, on the project in Base registers/Pro/Client and projectIn the tab Parameters 2, uncheck the box "Synchronize project with client".Then uncheck the box "Time reporting".
Ja, det gör man på projektet i {{ptn|Basregister/Pro/Kund och Projekt}}. I fliken Parametrar 2, ta bort krysset från {{kryss|Synkronisera projekt med kund}}. Ta sedan bort krysset från {{kryss|Marathon Tid}}.
*I have changed address on a client but it won't move to the projects, why?
*Vi har ändrat adress på en kund men adressen vill inte flytta med till projekten. Varför?
Look at the project in Base registers/Pro/Client and projectIn the tab Parameters 2, make sure that the box "Synchronize project with client"is checked.
Titta på projektet i {{ptn|Basregister/Pro/Kund och Projekt}}, fliken Parametrar 2. Rutan {{kryss|Synkronisera projekt med kund}} måste vara ikryssad för att adressändring på kunden ska gå igenom på projektet.
*Where do I enter special hourly rates?
*Var lägger man in avvikande timpriser?
In Base registers/Pro/Client and project, tab Price Fee. The price list can be connected to the client or project in the Price Fees-tab.
Det gör man på kunden eller projektet i {{ptn|Basregister/Pro/Kund och Projekt}}, fliken Pris arvode. Alternativt i {{ptn|Basregister/Pro/Avvikande timpriser}}. Denna prislista kan kopplas till kunden eller projektet i fliken Pris arvode.
*Where do I enter new codes for fees, purchases and other?
*Var lägger man upp nya arvode/inköp/övrigt koder?
In Base registers/Pro/Fee codes, Base registers/Pro/Purchase codesand in Base registers/Pro/Other codes.
Det gör man i {{ptn|Basregister/Pro/Arvodeskoder}}, {{ptn|Basregister/Pro/Inköpskoder}} och {{ptn|Basregister/Pro/Övrigtkoder}}.
*Why can I not select a certain employee as project manager?
*Jag kan inte välja en viss medarbetare som projektledare, varför?
In the employee register in Base registers/Pro/Employees, check the box "Possible as project-, client- or production manager", in the tab General.
På medarbetaren i {{ptn|Basregister/Pro/Medarbetare}} måste rutan {{kryss|Möjlig som projektledare, kundansvarig, produktionsledare}} vara ikryssad, i fliken Allmänt.
*I have entered special hourly rates on a client but cannot see them on the project; why?
*Jag har lagt in avvikande priser på kunden, men de syns inte på projekten?
Most probably the prices haven't been updated on the project.Go to Base registers/Pro/Clients and projects, in the client register, tab Price fees. Click on UPDATE PROJECTand check all the projects in the list that shall be updated with the prices. After that, all new projects will automatically get the prices.
Förmodligen är priserna inte uppdaterade på projektet. Det görs i {{ptn|Basregister/Pro/Kunder och Projekt}} inne på kunden, i fliken Pris arvode. Tryck på {{btn|Uppdatera projekt}} och kryssa i de projekt i listan som ska uppdateras med priserna. Alla nya projekt kommer därefter automatiskt att få denna prislista.
*Why can I not enter special hourly rates?
The client/project must have debit type Employee in order for special hourly rates to work.
*We want the same hourly rate on all employees, how do I do that?
If the special price list is valid for everyone, write * in the employee field.
*Can one person report time with two different rates?
Yes, one person can be on several rows in a special price list, provided that the feee codes are different.
*Is it possible to make backdated adjustments in the special price list?
If you change rate on an employee or a fee code, you can adjust it by correcting time in Projects: Registration, correction and updating, tab Correction, then Fees. Select time in the field Registration date and press Search. Select the records you want to change, press BATCH CHANGE and make sure that the box Update price is checked. Save. Save again to confirm the changes.
*In what order are the rates fetched when reporting time?
When reporting work hours, Marathon primarily seeks for special prices on the project. Secondarily it looks for special rates on the employee (in the employee register) and if nothing is found, it fetches the employee’s normal rate
*I have changed the client’s hourly rate, how do I update that on the project?
Press the function UPDATE PROJECT and select projects to be updated with the new prices

Latest revision as of 16:31, 17 November 2020

FAQ item
Published unknown
Module Project
Version 546
Revision unknown
  • Why can I not open a new project; i get an error message saying "Could not save: project number already exists"?

The project number counter is not in step with the numbers, probably because projects have been changed between clients. Adjust the number counter in Base registers/PRO/Clients and Projects on the client in the tab Parameters 2, field Latest project number.

  • How do I change ID on a project?

In Base registers/PA/Client and project, use button Change project-id.Use arrow to see all alternatives. Note, that the ID you want to change to must be new. It cannot be taken by another project on the same client.

  • How do I change ID on the client?

Change client code in Base registers/PA/Clients and projects, button Change client code.

  • Can I change currency on a certain project without changing it on the client?

Yes, go to the project in Base register/Pro/Client and project. In the tab Parameters 2, uncheck the box "Synchronize project with client". Then change the invoicing currency in the Invoicing tab.

  • How do I change our reference on a client invoice?

Go to the project in Change and select a new project manager..

  • Can I block a project from time reporting?

Yes, on the project in Base registers/Pro/Client and projectIn the tab Parameters 2, uncheck the box "Synchronize project with client".Then uncheck the box "Time reporting".

  • I have changed address on a client but it won't move to the projects, why?

Look at the project in Base registers/Pro/Client and projectIn the tab Parameters 2, make sure that the box "Synchronize project with client"is checked.

  • Where do I enter special hourly rates?

In Base registers/Pro/Client and project, tab Price Fee. The price list can be connected to the client or project in the Price Fees-tab.

  • Where do I enter new codes for fees, purchases and other?

In Base registers/Pro/Fee codes, Base registers/Pro/Purchase codesand in Base registers/Pro/Other codes.

  • Why can I not select a certain employee as project manager?

In the employee register in Base registers/Pro/Employees, check the box "Possible as project-, client- or production manager", in the tab General.

  • I have entered special hourly rates on a client but cannot see them on the project; why?

Most probably the prices haven't been updated on the project.Go to Base registers/Pro/Clients and projects, in the client register, tab Price fees. Click on UPDATE PROJECTand check all the projects in the list that shall be updated with the prices. After that, all new projects will automatically get the prices.

  • Why can I not enter special hourly rates?

The client/project must have debit type Employee in order for special hourly rates to work.

  • We want the same hourly rate on all employees, how do I do that?

If the special price list is valid for everyone, write * in the employee field.

  • Can one person report time with two different rates?

Yes, one person can be on several rows in a special price list, provided that the feee codes are different.

  • Is it possible to make backdated adjustments in the special price list?

If you change rate on an employee or a fee code, you can adjust it by correcting time in Projects: Registration, correction and updating, tab Correction, then Fees. Select time in the field Registration date and press Search. Select the records you want to change, press BATCH CHANGE and make sure that the box Update price is checked. Save. Save again to confirm the changes.

  • In what order are the rates fetched when reporting time?

When reporting work hours, Marathon primarily seeks for special prices on the project. Secondarily it looks for special rates on the employee (in the employee register) and if nothing is found, it fetches the employee’s normal rate

  • I have changed the client’s hourly rate, how do I update that on the project?

Press the function UPDATE PROJECT and select projects to be updated with the new prices