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Marathon’s tables are very flexible for changes regarding their look. You can select which columns
Tabellkolumnerna i Marathon kan ändras i vilken ordning de ska stå, vilken bredd respektive kolumn ska ha och hur tabellen ska sorteras. Inställningarna sparas till framtida inloggningar.
you want to see, in what order they will be seen, their width and how they shall be sorted. The
settings are saved for future logins.
Klicka på knappen med tre prickar […] uppe till höger i tabellen eller högerklicka i tabellen och välj Kolumner. Då visas en lista med valbara kolumner som kryssas i eller ur, beroende på om de ska visas i tabellen.
Klicka på knappen med tre prickar […] uppe till höger i tabellen eller högerklicka i tabellen och välj Kolumner. Då visas en lista med valbara kolumner som kryssas i eller ur, beroende på om de ska visas i tabellen.

Revision as of 14:42, 7 October 2014

Marathon är uppdelat i Frontoffice och Backoffice. De delsystem eller underliggande delsystem medarbetaren har behörighet till är understrukna.

Programs that you are not authorised to enter are deactivated (light grey). A click on the Kalin Setterberg logotype brings you back to the start page.


Startsida.png Brings you to the start page.
Sessionsfunktioner.png A click on this symbol (or Alt+arrow down) shows alll functions that you have been using without closing them down. If the symbol is yellow, it means that one or several programs are in a sensitive mode and you must go and close them down before you can exit Marathon. Every time that you log out from Marathon, the list is emptied.
Backpilen.png A click on the arrow takes you one step back .
Informationsruta.png Shows your current location in Marathon
Kugghjulet.png Settings are available under the cog wheel.

Cog wheel functions

Settings General system settings. These settings are only valid for you as a user.
New password Password change
Change company Change to another company on the same Marathon installation.
Support A support form that will be sent to Kalin Setterberg’s support desk.
Dokumentation A link to docs.kase.se where you will find documentation of news in


Utskrift Prints out current screen view to a physical printer.
PDF Prints out current screen view in PDF format.
Nytt fönster Opens a new Marathon window.
Lägg till som favorit When you are on a page that you would like to add as your favourite, click ”Add as favourite” and it will be added to the Favourites on the start page automatically.
Log out Log out of Marathon

Status bar

Down in the right cormer of the screen you can see if you have unreported days in Marathon Time, if you have invoices to approve and/or faxes or mails in the sending queue. Click to enter the programs.

Genom att klicka på fälten flyttas man automatiskt till Marathon tid, Attest eller Sändkön.


General functionality

Right mouse click The click opens a small menu from which you e.g. can choose to export to Excel, to print out or to select columns. The cursor has to be somewhere in the list /table when you click.
Tab/Enter Move to next object/field.
Shift+Tab/Enter Move to previous object/field.
Alt + underlined letter Instead of clicking, you can activate a function with Alt + the letter that is underlined in the word, e.g. OPEN with Alt + O.
Ctrl+Page Down Move to next tab, e.g. in the Client & Project module
Ctrl+Page Up Move to previous tab.
Search box Shows the alternatives to fill the field with.
F1 Open search box
F3 Copies last saved information in a field.
Quick search field You can write the first characters of a code, name etc. The search list will only include those alternatives that fit your search.
Quick search A new window opens as you are writing, showing the alternatives that fit your search. This function has to be set in cog wheel/Settings/General


Marathon’s tables are very flexible for changes regarding their look. You can select which columns you want to see, in what order they will be seen, their width and how they shall be sorted. The settings are saved for future logins.

Klicka på knappen med tre prickar […] uppe till höger i tabellen eller högerklicka i tabellen och välj Kolumner. Då visas en lista med valbara kolumner som kryssas i eller ur, beroende på om de ska visas i tabellen.

För att byta ordning i kolumnerna i tabellen går det att ta tag i en kolumn och dra den till en annan plats. Kolumnbredden justeras genom att ta tag i kanten på kolumnen och dra i önskad riktning.

Vald sortering framgår av en pil i kolumnens rubrik. Pilen kan ha olika riktning för att visa om högst (uppåtriktad pil) eller lägst (nedåtriktad pil) värde ska visas överst.