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(Created page with "I prosjektbudsjett kan du se alle prosjekter, der du er med. Dette forutsatt at budsjettet er laget på medarbeidernivå.")
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I prosjektbudsjett kan du se alle prosjekter, der du er med. Dette forutsatt at budsjettet er laget på medarbeidernivå.
I prosjektbudsjett kan du se alle prosjekter, der du er med. Dette forutsatt at budsjettet er laget på medarbeidernivå.
The project estimate shows all projects in which you have been estimated. Each combination of project and job code is shown as a separate line, together with a description (if written), number of hours estimated and registered. You can also see start- and end dates - if they have been entered.The table has also a box where you can tick off a line as ready. You can select to see only finished/active estimate lines.
The project estimate shows all projects in which you have been estimated. Each combination of project and job code is shown as a separate line, together with a description (if written), number of hours estimated and registered. You can also see start- and end dates - if they have been entered.The table has also a box where you can tick off a line as ready. You can select to see only finished/active estimate lines.

Revision as of 17:42, 25 January 2016


Timeføring gjøres i Prosjekt: Tidsrapportering.

I Almanakken vises kalender for måneden. Hver medarbeider er koblet til en almanakk med et vist arbeidstidsmål. Lengst nede til høyre i bildet vises timeføringskravet i følge kalenderen din. Etter sammenligning mellom kravet for en dag og hva som er rapportert, anvends ulike fargekoder:

Grønn Betyr at dagen er ferdigrapportert. Dager uten timeføringskrav, f eks helligdager, er grønne fra begynnelsen.
Rød Betyr at dagen ikke oppfyller timeføringskravet.
Gul Betyder at dagen er markert som ikke avsluttet. En gulmarkert dag kan ikke innleses i økonomisystemet.
Svart-hvit Betyr at dagen er fremtidlig.

Dersom en dag i kalenderen har et punkt under datoen betyr det at tid er rapportert på dagen. Hold musepekeren på en dag så ser du en sammenstilling över tiden i det høyre vinduet.

Samtidig kan du se ineden for almanakken, hvor mange timer som er rapportert den dagen, hittil denne måneden og de forventede timerne denne måned.

Hvis dere bruker overtidshåndtering (innstilles på medarbeideren i Grunnregister/Pro/Medarbeidere) ser du saldoen din akkumulert innved sammenstillingen med rapportert og krav.

Klikk på pilene som omgir månedsnavnet for å flytte mellom måneder. Hvis pil bak er rød, betyr det at det finnes ufullstendige rapporter i noen av månedene før. Klikk på en dag for å åpne den for timeføring. Foruten timer kan du også rapportere forskjellige øvrigtposter som f eks. porto og utskrifter, som skal belastes prosjektet. Før en dag er fullstendig, må du enten ha skrivet inn prosjekt, arbeidskode og timer eller prosjekt, øvrigtkode og antall

Prosjekt Du kan enten skrive inn prosjektet eller hente det fra søkelisten ( feltet med tre prikker til høyre).

Only Mine Tick in the box if you want to see projects where you are client manager, project manager, product manager or team member.
Group Projects belonging to selected group
Recent The latest projects you have been using in Marathon Time. The amount of recent projects can be set in Settings under the cog wheel in the upper right corner of Marathon.
Sort by Master Master projects are shown above the projects that are connected to it.


Quick search Quick search in Marathon Time can be activated by right clicking in the day report. A pop-up window is shown, where you can activate quick search.
Code Enter code or pick up from the search list.
Hours Write one hour as 1 and half hour as 0, 5. It is not recommended to use smaller amounts than a quarter, i.e. 0, 25
Comments You can write an optional comment. You can use maximum 100 characters. The comment is visible in lists and reports, but is not automatically showing up on the invoice.
Other Enter code or pick up from the search box.
Amount If you have filled in material in the Other-field, enter how many items you have been using.
Finished If your report is not corresponding with the expectation, i.e. you report fewer hours, you can tick the box Finished. The day will then show as green in the calendar.
Not ready If you are not ready with the report you can tick the box Not Ready. In that way you can save incomplete lines temporarily. An unfinished day shows as yellow in the calendar, and it can not be updated into the accounting system.
New line Inserts a new line above the selected line
Delete line Deletes the selected line.
Copy line When you copy a line the new line will come under the copied line and the other lines will move one step down.
Import from resource… Click to import project, comments and hours from the resource planning.
Save template You can save a frequently used time report and use it as a template. It is not recommended to save hours in the template.
Fill up with absence If your company is using an Absence -code, click this after an incomplete report and the system fills the remaining time with this code. It is otherwise recommended to click the Finished- box if the day is not ready.
Copy from You can copy a complete day report. Click on the arrow in the COPY FROM menu, and select a date. The last 10 days are shown in the list.
Save/Cancel Always leave the report with Save or Cancel

Da rapporten er blitt oppdatert til regnskapsavdelingen får de en lysere grå farge og kan da lenger ikke endres. Derimot er det mulig å legge til flere rader på en timerapport.


Bruk masseinnmating dersom du vil legge in samme informasjon på mange dager.

Klikk på dagene du skal legge inn timer på. De blir litt mørkere og du ser også i det høyre vinduet hvilke dager det er. Klikk en gang til for å fjerne markeringen. Bruk pilene ved månedsnavnet hvis du vil markere dager i andre måneder.

Inntast siden prosjekt, arbeidskode, timer og eventuell kommentar.

Avkryss ruten ”Fyll ut” hvis du vil at systemet fyller ut med fravær inntil timeføringskravet er oppfylt. Avslutt med ”Lagre”.


Avstemmingstabellen viser hvilke som har rapportert timer og hvor mye. Tabellen har samme fargemarkeringer som kalenderen (rød - ikke ferdig, gul- midlertidig lagret, grønn- ferdig). Hvis du har autorisasjon kan du også åpne andres tidsrapporter.Du kan velge at kun se timer for en viss gruppe.


I prosjektbudsjett kan du se alle prosjekter, der du er med. Dette forutsatt at budsjettet er laget på medarbeidernivå.

The project estimate shows all projects in which you have been estimated. Each combination of project and job code is shown as a separate line, together with a description (if written), number of hours estimated and registered. You can also see start- and end dates - if they have been entered.The table has also a box where you can tick off a line as ready. You can select to see only finished/active estimate lines.

Normal Start- and End dates
Relative Relative Start- and End dates, shown in relation to the start date. If you e.g. have a project that starts on April, 25th and today’s date is April, 15th, the number in the field will be “10”. This method shows more clearly which projects to prioritize.

Employee estimate

Employee estimate shows the estimate that the accounting department has been entering.

The list shows estimated hours, reported hours and the difference between them. Further you can see estimated amount, result amount, adjusted net and the difference.

Resource planning

Resource planning shows what has been planned for you for the week. (Project: Resource planning)

Here you can compare your planned time with the actual time you have been reporting for each week.

Change employee

If you are authorised to it, you can change employee and check her/his time reports.

Total project

Total project shows time reports for one month, shown per project. The hours are first shown per code, and then summed per project. Reported absence is also shown as a project. At the bottom of the table you can see the complete month’s hours.

When you select a line, details are shown in the right side of the screen. You can also see the comments you may have written in the time report.

Day list

In the day list you can follow your reported time per day for a selected month. For each day, you cansee which projects, codes and hours you have reported time on. Further you can see the monetary value of the accumulated time and the comment you may have written. After each day the total amount of hours is shown. At the bottom of the table you can see the total amount of hours and its monetary value for the complete month.

Week summary

Week summary shows the time report for a selected week. Change week by clicking the arrowssurrounding the week number. The week summary shows the project, code and amount of hours reported on each project. The column on the far right shows the total amount of reported hours for each project during the selected week.