Difference between revisions of "Special hourly rates/da"
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+ | = Afvigende timepris på job = |
− | = Special hourly rates on projects = |
Before projects can be priced, check the parameter “Special hourly rates” in the project record. If the project is synchronized with the client it will automatically fetch the information from the client. |
Before projects can be priced, check the parameter “Special hourly rates” in the project record. If the project is synchronized with the client it will automatically fetch the information from the client. |
Revision as of 13:43, 5 April 2016
Der findes fire måder at styre afvigende timepriser. Forudsætningen er at debiteringssort 1 er valgt på jobbet, dvs. prissætning pr. medarbejder. Prisfaktoren fungerer dog også for debiteringssort 2 (pris pr. kode).
- Prisfaktoren på kunde/job
- Afvigende timepris på medarbejderen
- Afvigende timepris på kunde/job
- Prisliste
Hvornår en medarbejder registrerer tid på et job, kigger systemet først og fremmest på hvorvidt der findes en afvigende timepris på jobbet. I anden hånd går det efter eventuelt afvigende timepris på medarbejderen (i medarbejderregistret) og allersidst vælger det medarbejderens ordinære timepris. Derimod gæller prisfaktoren i samtlige fald.
Prisfaktoren styrer timepriser med hjælp af en procentsats.
I Basisregister/Job/Kunder og Job under fanerne Pris honorar, Pris indkøb og Pris øvrigt angives, hvor mange procent af timeprisen, der skal gælde for kunden. Hvis der for Honorar står 100 betyder det at 100 % af timeprisen på respektive person skal gælde. Eksempelvis 120 betyder en optælling på yderligere 20 % af timeprisen; 80 betyder derimod 80 % af timeprisen.
Hvis man anvender synkronisering mellem kunde og job og prisfaktoren skal slå igennem på alle jobs, ændrer du prisfaktoren i kunderegistret. Hvis kun enkelte jobs skal have en anden prisfaktor, ændres den direkte på jobbet. Hvis jobbet er synkroniseret med kunde, skal først synkroniseringen fjernes før ændringer kan foretages.
Afvigende timepris på medarbejderen
I medarbejderregistret, under fanen Priser, kan du oprette afvigende timepriser på enkelte koder eller kategorier. Dersom afvigende priser oprettes her, vil det gælle på alle jobs, medarbejderen fører timer på, undtaget jobs, hvor der findes afvigende timepriser, som berør medarbejderen. Dette slår altså igennem også på de jobs, der ikke har feltet Afvigende timepriser afkrydset.
Afvigende timepris på job
Before projects can be priced, check the parameter “Special hourly rates” in the project record. If the project is synchronized with the client it will automatically fetch the information from the client.
If the list of special prices shall take effect on all employees, write * in the employee field and the same regarding codes. If the special prices differ between employees and codes, write employee- and fee codes respectively in the fields. The prices of the single employee codes stands above the general prices.
The example above shows an 800 SEK general hourly rate, except on code Informationsinsamling,where the rate is 600 SEK/hour. This rates are for all employees except Kalin Setterberg, whose hourly rate in this specific code is 500 SEK, and 700 SEK on all other codes.
Copy from client | Special prices from the client can be copied into the project. |
Special hourly rates on client
Special hourly rates on client level will automatically come to new projects for the client. You can also Update Projects of the client in order to add the price into existing projects.
Update projects | All projects are updated, also those who are not synchronized with the client or have the parameter “”special hourly rates” unchecked. After the update/copying the check box will be changed to checked. |
Copy from | Copy special hourly rates from another client. |
According the price list
You can create a general price list with special hourly rates that you can use on different clients and projects. This is done in Base registers/PRO/Special hourly rates, see below.
The principle is the same as for special prices on client- and project levels. You can define a price list for a certain group only and use optional currency.
Connect the price list to the client or a single project. If the client is synchronized with its projects and you connect a price list on client level, all its projects will get the same price list.
If you use price lists, you should not use the project record in Classic. Contact Kalin Setterberg for information.
Special hourly rates as adjustment
The parameter setting Special hourly rate as adjustment in Base registers/Pro/Parameters/Adjusting shows the balance between the ordinary price and the special price as an adjustment on the project.