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The log tab shows all payments.The Type column shows:
I log-fliken finns alla betalningar, i kolumnen typ visas
* Created, the payment is a part of a payment order
* Skapad, betalningen ingår i ett betalningsuppdrag
* Deleted, the payment has been deleted
* Makulerad, betalningen har makulerats
* Booked, the payment has been booked
* Bokförd, betalningen har bokförts

Revision as of 11:31, 7 November 2017

Payments in classic 03-60 is replaced and can now be found in Accounting/Payments
Published 2017-10-18
Module Purchase ledger
Version 546
Revision 41038
Case number 975264

News:Payments in classic 03-60 is replaced and can now be found in Accounting/Payments

It has previously been possible to send payment files in Accounting: Payments. Now it is also possible to create a payment selection . This is a brief description of how to crate, edit and send and approve a selection and how to create, approve and send a payment order.


System: Base registers/Company specific parameters, tab Payments:

If you wish to pay via payment file, enter the path to the place where the file shall be saved. You can also choose a prefix to the file name. If you don't select a prefix, the file will have the payment number as name (for example:000183)

Create payment selection

Press New

Make a selection that goes with the invoices you wish ti pay.

Normally Payment method and To due date is enough.

Press Start to create payment selection

The payment selection shows as a row in the table that shows number of payments and the total amount.

The button Approval is activated if the parameter Approval required before definite payment order can be created has been checked in System: Base registers/PL/Parameters.

Edit payment selection

Mark the payment selection in the list and press Edit.

You can exclude a payment from the selection by clicking the column with a lock as a heading.

You can open a certain payment and change its payment date, amount or other bank specific settings, see example above.

Create payment order

Mark the payment selection and click on Create Payment order

Select payment date:

  1. = This is the standard choice; the invoices are paid according to their due dates.
  2. = The invoices are paid on the date stated in the field to the right.
  3. = The invoices are paid as soon as possible/immediately.

Wen the order is created, you will automatically move to the Payments' tab

If the payments shall be sent to Bankgirot with VPN, the files must be signed. Use the function Sign/Approve and enter your signing key.

If you save the payment files locally for later transfer to the bank, e.g. via an internet bank program, don't use the button Sign/Approve.

Send Sends the payment files directly to Bankgirot or to the path entered in the parametres, see chapter Preparations.

Do not send labels the payment file as not sent and the individual payments as In progress.

Delete payment deletes the payment files as well as the individual payments.

In progress

Shows a list of all payments where the payment file has been sent or labelled as Do not send.

If a payment has been rejected at the bank or for some other reason not have reached the recipient, you can Delete it here.

When the payments have been booked, they will disappear from the list.


The log tab shows all payments.The Type column shows:

  • Created, the payment is a part of a payment order
  • Deleted, the payment has been deleted
  • Booked, the payment has been booked