Difference between revisions of "News:Camt import/fi"

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(Created page with "Tositetta luodessasi, valits tili integraatiokoodilla L tai K.")
(Created page with "Paina HAE MAKSUTIEDOSTO")
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Tositetta luodessasi, valits tili integraatiokoodilla L tai K.
Tositetta luodessasi, valits tili integraatiokoodilla L tai K.
To import the Camt053 file, press IMPORT PAYMENT FILE.
You will now be able to import the Camt053 file locally from your computer.
You will now be able to import the Camt053 file locally from your computer.

Revision as of 13:43, 13 October 2022

Camt053 tuonti
Published 2022-10-10
Module Taloushallinto
Version 546W2208
Revision 0
Case number CORE-3204


Marathonissa on uusi toiminto Camt053-tiedostejen tuotiin Danske Bankista

Tiedostoja käytetään lähteneiden ja tulleiden maksujen maksetuiksi kirjaamiseen.

Voit ladata me verkkopankistasi.

Aktivoi toiminto rastittamalla parametrriruutu Muoto Hae maksutiedosto - camt053

Toiminto on nyt saatavilla.

Tositetta luodessasi, valits tili integraatiokoodilla L tai K.


You will now be able to import the Camt053 file locally from your computer.

If there is a Debit payment in the file, and you are doing the import in S/L a notice will pop up informing you.

Likewise will happen if there is a Credit payment in the file, and you are doing the import in P/L.

Based on the information in the files, Paid Amount, Supplier/Client, Voucher number, Currency and Invoice number will be presented in their respective columns.

After that you can book the voucher in the G/L tab.