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(Created page with "== Debitorer: == Fanen DEB, knappen: HBF (CAMT) Vælg den camt-fil, der skal importeres, fra din filhåndtering. Bemærk, at camt-filen kan indeholde både indgående og udg...")
(Created page with "Ved import laves der så godt et match mod ubetalte fakturaer som muligt, men det er ikke sikkert, at systemet matcher alle betalinger, da referencestrukturen varierer meget f...")
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Ved import laves der så godt et match mod ubetalte fakturaer som muligt, men det er ikke sikkert, at systemet matcher alle betalinger, da referencestrukturen varierer meget fra afsenderbank til afsenderbank, på referencens opbygning og evt. hvordan afsender har registreret referencen.
When importing, a match against unpaid invoices is made as good as possible, however, it is not guaranteed that the system will match all payments as the reference structure varies significantly per sender's bank, on the structure of the reference and possibly how the sender has registered the reference.
Hvis afsenderen f.eks. har indtastet følgende betalingsreference: "Fakturanummer: 9", vil systemet ikke finde fakturanummeret (9), da referencen indeholder en indledende tekst:
For example, if the sender has entered the following payment reference: "Invoice number: 9", the system will not find the invoice number (9) as the reference contains introductory text:

Revision as of 15:27, 25 September 2024

Denne guide håndterer rapportering af banktransaktioner i camt-format

camt – Introduktionsguide

camt053 og camt 054 er formater til bankrapporteringsfiler, der indeholder oplysninger om udførte banktransaktioner. Disse banktransaktioner omfatter indgående og udgående betalinger til og fra din bankkonto. Den daglige camt053-fil henviser til den foregående dags kontohændelser, dvs. filen, der modtages den 10. januar, henviser til kontohændelser, der fandt sted den 9. januar.camt054 forekommer flere gange i løbet af en dag og henviser til dagens ind- og udgående betalinger. I modsætning til camt053 indeholder camt054 kun debet- og kredittransaktioner, hvor camt053 kan indeholde andre bankgebyrer.


BOG/Parametre, Fane: Registrering, Parameter: Hent betalingsfil Camt. Valg mellem manuel og automatisk. Automatisk kræver opsætning af integration med banken, kontakt Marathon for mere information.

Så gør du:

camt-filer importeres på et standardbilag i Økonomi/Bilag Indlæsning af camt-filer fungerer analogt med andre rapporteringsfiler. Vælg først kontoen med integration K eller L henholdsvis DEB og KRE, (kunde eller leverandør).


Fanen DEB, knappen: HBF (CAMT) Vælg den camt-fil, der skal importeres, fra din filhåndtering. Bemærk, at camt-filen kan indeholde både indgående og udgående transaktioner, men kun de indgående importeres, når du importerer under fanen DEB (og kun de udgående under fanen KRE). Hvis filen indeholder udgående betalinger, vises følgende meddelelse:

Ved import laves der så godt et match mod ubetalte fakturaer som muligt, men det er ikke sikkert, at systemet matcher alle betalinger, da referencestrukturen varierer meget fra afsenderbank til afsenderbank, på referencens opbygning og evt. hvordan afsender har registreret referencen. Hvis afsenderen f.eks. har indtastet følgende betalingsreference: "Fakturanummer: 9", vil systemet ikke finde fakturanummeret (9), da referencen indeholder en indledende tekst:

The Text field contains the reference number and the sender's name. In cases where the import has not been successful, the information in the field can be used to facilitate manual handling. To support the matching of payments where the import has not been successful, the function IMPORT INVOICES is available. In this pop-up you can search for invoices, e.g. you can search for all unpaid invoices from the sender specified in the Text field. The function UPDATE is available in IMPORT INVOICES. UPDATE updates the selected row with the selected invoice or invoices. It is therefore possible to match a row from the import with one or more invoices. If UPDATE is used on several invoices, the amount is distributed over the selected invoices.

Note that the window remains open even when you click outside, in order to be able to easily change the selected row. Note also that the button INSERT inserts a new row, i.e. the selected row in the verification is moved down one step. When importing a file, the INSERT button should not be used unless you want to actively add a row that was not in the file.  

Purchase ledger:

Similar to the SL tab, the PL tab uses the HBF (CAMT) button. In the PL tab, outgoing payments should be imported. If the file you have imported also contains an incoming payment, the following message is displayed:

Import of outgoing transactions generally has a better match than incoming transactions as the reference structure is based on data in Marathon (in the outgoing payment file to the bank). However, you should be aware that when importing you get a hit against a "Payment in progress". That is, payments you have made, which are currently in the In progress tab in Accounting/Payments. This is indicated by the payment number being entered in the Payment column of the Voucher. If the import does not match a payment in progress, it says "Manual payment". This may be because the payment has already been booked. Alternatively, it is a payment that has not been made via Marathon and therefore has no data to match against. In these cases, you have to decide whether it should be booked together with other imported payments or whether it should be done manually in a separate voucher. Or in cases where you have made a payment of several invoices where credits have been utilised. Then the payments are sent in a lump to the bank in the payment file. In these cases, the invoice number is not always specified in the reporting file but only a text "DEBIT/CREDIT", these must be handled manually.

Please note that even if you have used the camt import, it is important to double-check the bank statement in the internet bank to make sure that no payments have been missed.