Difference between revisions of "FAQ:ACC/Approval/en"

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(Created page with "* Can I undo an approval that I have started? The invoice remains in the approver's inbox until it is booked. Select Show all to see the invoice and click OPEN. Click APPROV...")
(Created page with "* I approved an invoice with incorrect postings. How can i take it back to Approval? The invoice remains in the approver's inbox until it is booked. Select Show all to see th...")
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The invoice remains in the approver's inbox until it is booked. Select Show all to see the invoice and click OPEN. Click APPROVAL, select Nothing and Save.
The invoice remains in the approver's inbox until it is booked. Select Show all to see the invoice and click OPEN. Click APPROVAL, select Nothing and Save.
* I approved an invoice with incorrect postings. How can i take it back to Approval?
*Jag attesterade en faktura som jag konterat fel, hur kan jag få tillbaka den till attest?
The invoice remains in the approver's inbox until it is booked. Select Show all to see the invoice and click OPEN. Click APPROVAL, select Nothing and Save.
Fakturan ligger kvar i attestörens attestinkorg fram tills den bokförs. Välj Visa Alla för att se fakturan och klicka på Öppna. Gör ändringar och Spara.
*Varför kan jag inte välja en viss användare som attestör?
*Varför kan jag inte välja en viss användare som attestör?

Revision as of 14:37, 13 October 2015

FAQ item
Published unknown
Module Finance
Version 546
Revision unknown
  • Can I undo an approval that I have started?

The invoice remains in the approver's inbox until it is booked. Select Show all to see the invoice and click OPEN. Click APPROVAL, select Nothing and Save.

  • I approved an invoice with incorrect postings. How can i take it back to Approval?

The invoice remains in the approver's inbox until it is booked. Select Show all to see the invoice and click OPEN. Click APPROVAL, select Nothing and Save.

  • Varför kan jag inte välja en viss användare som attestör?

Har användaren behörighet till Attest? Titta i Administration/Behörighet. Användaren kan vara låst pga för många felaktiga inloggningsförsök eller att datumet för tvingande byte av lösenord har överskridits. Ändra det på användaren i Basregister/Allmänt/Användare.