Difference between revisions of "News:Authorisations to Agency settlement/da"

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(Created page with "<b>Adgange til Bureauafregning</b>")
(Created page with "Adgangen "Bureauafregning" giver fuld tilgang til programmet Bureauafregning.")
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Adgangen "Bureauafregning" giver fuld tilgang til programmet Bureauafregning.
The Authorisation for "Agency settlement" gives the authorisation group full access to the program "Agency settlement".
The Authorisation for "Agency settlement - reprint" gives the authorisation group access to the tab reprint and not invoicing.
The Authorisation for "Agency settlement - reprint" gives the authorisation group access to the tab reprint and not invoicing.

Revision as of 11:13, 13 August 2019

Adgange til Bureauafregning
Published 2019-08-12
Module Media
Version 546
Revision 47644
Case number 1093110

Adgange til Bureauafregning

Adgangen "Bureauafregning" giver fuld tilgang til programmet Bureauafregning.

The Authorisation for "Agency settlement - reprint" gives the authorisation group access to the tab reprint and not invoicing.