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Line 21: Line 21:
The master Own field for two other Own fields - nothing is selected in the field "Collective field". The Own field is retrieving data from the register defined in the field "Register".
Överfältet för de två egna fälten är tomt. hämtar fältet data från det register som är definierat i "Register".

Revision as of 11:59, 9 January 2020

Egna fält och egna register kopplade till projekt
Published 2019-12-18
Module System
Version 546
Revision 48574
Case number 1103745

Egna fält och egna register kopplade till projekt

Aktiveras i System: Basregister/Allmänt/Egna fält och under System: Basregister/Allmänt/Egna register.

Egna fält är också tilgängliga som "Begrepp vid projektupplägg i Kund och Projekt" i System: Basregister/PRO/Parametrar, fliken Kunder och projekt

Filtreringsfunktion för egna fält och egna register


Överfältet för de två egna fälten är tomt. Då hämtar fältet data från det register som är definierat i "Register".

One of the two other Own fields - the master Own field is selected in the field "Collective field". The Own field is retrieving data from the register defined in the field "Register".

One of the two other Own fields - the master Own field is selected in the field "Collective field". The Own field is retrieving data from the register defined in the field "Register".

In the register for the master field the master register entries are stored. Nothing is selected in the field "Collective value".

In the register for one of the two other Own fields the values that should be dependent on the master is entered. The master value is selected in the field "Collective value".

In the register for one of the two other Own fields the values that should be dependent on the master is entered. The master value is selected in the field "Collective value".

On the project in the tab "Own fields" - the connection is made by choosing a master value in the master field.

Depending on what is chosen in the master field, the values that can be entered in one of the two other fields must be connected to the master value.

Depending on what is chosen in the master field, the values that can be entered in one of the two other fields must be connected to the master value.

Own fields available as column template codes for MED&PRO reports:

Column selection is made with EFPROJ01=XXX or EFPROJ01=XXX-YYY.

PROJ = Project register.

01 = Own field nr 1 (See the Nr tab in the register for Own fields).

XXX = Single value.

XXX-YYY = Interval between two values.