Difference between revisions of "FAQ:PRO/Resource planning/en"

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(Created page with "*Can I plan resources per week instead of per day? Yes, in the Week tab. Weekly planned time will be shown on Mondays if you look in the Details tab.")
(Created page with "*Can i plan per project instead of per employee? Not at the moment, but we hope to develop that function in the future.")
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Yes, in the Week tab. Weekly planned time will be shown on Mondays if you look in the Details tab.
Yes, in the Week tab. Weekly planned time will be shown on Mondays if you look in the Details tab.
*Can i plan per project instead of per employee?
*Vi vill resursplanera per projekt istället för medarbetare, går det?
Not at the moment, but we hope to develop that function in the future.
Det går inte i dagsläget, men det är något vi hoppas kunna utveckla.
*Vi vill inte att de resursplanerade timmarna ska synas i Tidrapporteringen utan endast projekten. Hur ställer vi in det?
*Vi vill inte att de resursplanerade timmarna ska synas i Tidrapporteringen utan endast projekten. Hur ställer vi in det?

Revision as of 19:56, 23 November 2015

FAQ item
Published unknown
Module Project
Version 546
Revision unknown
  • Why can I not make resource planning to a certain employee?

The box "Possible in resource planning" is not checked in Base registers/Pro/Employees, tab General.

  • I cannot see planned time in the Resource planning.

Select Show: "Planned time"

  • I want to see the employees' used time.

Select Show:"Used time".

  • The function Import from Resource planning is not activated.

This is ruled by a parameter in Base registers/Pro/Parameters, tab Fees.

  • I want to see what's resource planned on a project.

You can see that in Project: Queries/Clients and projects, tab Fees. If you also want to see the planned time as a monetary value in the Analysis tab, check the parameter in Base registers/Pro/Parameters, tab Clients and projects.

  • Can I see planned time in reports?

Yes, use the data definition "Resource planned time" when creating a report.

  • Can I plan resources per week instead of per day?

Yes, in the Week tab. Weekly planned time will be shown on Mondays if you look in the Details tab.

  • Can i plan per project instead of per employee?

Not at the moment, but we hope to develop that function in the future.

  • Vi vill inte att de resursplanerade timmarna ska synas i Tidrapporteringen utan endast projekten. Hur ställer vi in det?

Det styrs från användarens behörighetsgrupp i System:Behörighet. Sätt ingen behörighet vid Projektredovisning/Resursplanering – visa timmar i tidrapportering.