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I Frontoffice/Rapporter kan rapporter skrivas ut och nya rapporter byggas.

Ny Välj Ny för att skapa en ny rapportmall.
Öppna Välj Öppna för att komma åt att redigera i befintliga rapportmallar.
Utskrift Markera en rapport och välj Utsrift (alterntivt dubbelklicka) för att skriva ut rapporten.
Begrepp Välj Begrepp för att skapa eller redigera egendefinierade begrepp (se senare avsnitt för mer information).
Kopiera företag Välj Kopiera företag och markera det företag som ska kopieras från och välj OK.'Om det finns befintliga rapporter så ersätts dem med det kopierade företagets rapporter. Tänk på att det kan finnas rapporter som inte är centrala, d.v.s. som endast kan ses av den som skapat rapporten.

Skriv ut rapport

Markera rapporten och välj Utskrift för att skriva ut rapporten. En selekteringsbild visas då. Selekteringsbilden ser olika ut beroende på vilka inställningar som gjorts i urvalet då rapporten skapades. Rapporten kan skrivas ut i Pdf-format eller som Kalkyl (export till Excel).

Start Starts the printout. Make selections first.
Cancel printout Stops the printout.
Pdf Prints the report as PDF
Spreadsheet Exports the report to Excel.
No sums Check if you don't want the report summarized.
Currency You can print a report in all currencies in your currency register.
Elimination Only in use if your company is using the multiple currency system.
Comment Comment shown under the report heading.
Subtotals Select subtotals for the report.
Sorting Select sorting column.
Reversed Reversed sorting shows the largest values first.

Create new report

Click the button NEW.

New report template Click on the text and give the template a name and a heading.
Subtotals Select a standard setting for subtotals (editable at printout).

New column Click to open the view for creating new columns

Header Automatically suggested header. Changeable after the data definitions are selected.
Format Determines how the balance shall be shown: # ##0 = shows integrals# ##0,00 = shows with decimals/1000 = shows in thousandsNAMN = shows the name (e.g. project manager)KOD = shows code KOD+NAMN= shows code + name
Data definitions A number of standard definitions exist by default, but you can add more definitions in the list. See further chapter in this manual.
Column Shows all columns in the report.
Period printout criteria.
Accounting year Shows the accumulated balance for the current accounting year.
Previous year Shows balance for the previous year.
Operator Used for addition of columns, showing discrepancies, etc. The operator can be used for both columns and for definitions.
OK Saves the column.
Delete column Deletes the column.
Save Saves the report.
Cancel Cancels the report without saving.
Selection Here you can make the selection that will be shown at printout.
Format Choose between vertical and horizontal printout.
Show periods Dissenting periods = shows periods in those columns where period is statedAll = shows selected period in all columnsNone = does not show periods in columns
Global A global report can be used by all authorized users.
Only auth.group You can limit the access to a global report with authorization groups.
Size 100 % is suggested.
Copy from You can copy existing reports within your company.

Add data definitions

Go to Data definitions and select NEW.

Header Give the definition a clear and detailed header. It will become its identification.
Format Determines how the balance shall be shown
  • # ##0 = shows integrals
  • #|##0,00 = shows with decimals
  • /1000 = shows in thousands
  • NAMN = shows the name (e.g. project manager)
  • KOD = shows code
  • KOD+NAMN = shows code + name
Formula Calculate with basic definitions with + - * / %
Basic definitions Shows the content of the definition
Selection Select what codes, if any, shall be shown regarding fees, purchases and other
Project type The project types are: E= external G= joint types within the company I= internal J= speculation/pitch projects 9= internal, not project related

Project labelling Your internal definitions (requires use of project labelling on projects)'

Quick guide– Create a new report

  • Click on the header New report template, give the report a name.
  • Select New column and Data definition for the column content (rename the column header, if necessary).
  • Click on Selection and choose the selections for printout.
  • Depending on how many columns the report has, choose between horizontal and verical layouts.
  • Select period display in columns.
  • Choose between making the report global (available to all authorized users), your own, or available for a certain authorization group.
  • Select possible standard subtotals
  • Save.

Quick guide – Create new definitions

  • Select basic definition and click on the right arrow to see the definition in the Variables' field.
  • Select optional more basic definitions and formulas.
  • Make selections regarding fees, purchases and other and project types and possible project labelling.
  • Write a clear heading.
  • Save.

The new definition can now be fetched into the report template.

In the example below, the definition ”Sales price-Purchase price for purchases” will fetch invoices sales price minus invoiced purchase price only for purchases, if it is used in a report template.

Report definitions

Actual p-price Registered purchase price. For purchases, it means the price before mark-ups, for fees, the calculated cost of the employee and for other itis the purchase price stated on the code.
Actual Amount Number of registered entities
Actual Registered Registered sales price. For purchases it means the price after mark-ups,for fees it means the hourly rate and for other it means the sales price put on the code.
Actual adjusted Adjusted records
Invoiced p-price Like actual purchase price, but only invoiced records
Invoiced s-price Like actual registered, but only invoiced records
Invoiced pre-inv. Pre-invoices
WIP p-price Like actual purchase price but only not invoiced records
WIP s-price Like actual registered but only not invoiced records
WIP pre-inv Not deducted pre-invoices
Client estimate Estimate set on the client in Classic 04-20-50
Project estimate hours Budgeted hours – estimate made in Client & Project
Project estimate amount Budgeted amount – estimate made in Client & Project
Project estimate p-price Budgeted amount (see actual s-price for details) – estimate made in Client & Project
Regular hourly rate The regular hourly rate of the employee set in Base registers/PRO/Employees
Regular working time The working time request in Marathon Time
Fixed price Fixed price set on the project in Client & Project or in Base registers/PRO/Clients ans projects
Not updated time Time that hasn't been updated in Project accounting/Update. Shows hours.
Resource planned time Time that is planned in Project accounting/Resource planning
Collective client manager Client manager stated on the client in Client & Project or in Base registers/PRO/Collective clients
Project manager Project manager stated on the client in Client & Project or in Base registers/PRO/Clients/Projects
Production manager Production manager stated on the client in Client & Project or in Base registers/PRO/Clients/Projects
Master Shows the Master project that the project is connected to
Project type E= external, I =internal, 9= not project related (900-codes), J=speculation projects and G= common projects within group.
Project status 0= active, 9=closed, 8= deactivated
Project group Shows the group that is connected with the project
Registered The date for registration of the project
Last entry Shows date of last registered entry
Archiving Archiving number on the project in Classic 04-21-10, tab Other1
Archiving status Y= archived, N= not archived
Archiving date Date of archiving
Closed Closing date of the projects
Last invoice paid Payment date of the last paid invoice
Deadline Deadline date, set in Client & project