Yhteyshenkilö pakollinen parametrina Perusrekistereissä/MED/Asiakkaat/Parametrit 2

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Yhteyshenkilö pakollinen parametrina Perusrekistereissä/MED/Asiakkaat/Parametrit 2
Published 2018-11-16
Module Järjestelmä
Version 546
Revision 44817
Case number 1057212

Yhteyshenkilö pakollinen parametrina Perusrekistereissä/MED/Asiakkaat/Parametrit 2

If the checkbox is set on the client under Base registers/MED/Clients/../Parameters 2, the field "Contact" will be mandatory on the Media plans associated with the Media client.

When trying to save a Media plan with the parameter set, and the field "Contact" is blank, the save will be aborted with a error message.

If the checkbox is not set on the client under Base registers/MED/Clients/../Parameters 2, the field "Contact" will not be mandatory on the Media plans associated with the Media client.