Behörighet till att korrigera leverantörsfakturor

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Revision as of 08:24, 2 May 2019 by TR (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Utan behörighet kan man inte ändra något i leverantörsfakturorna.")

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Behörighet till att korrigera leverantörsfakturor
Published 2019-04-29
Module System
Version 546
Revision 46904
Case number 1082866

Behörighet till att korrigera leverantörsfakturor

Vid full behörighet kan användaren i behörighetsgruppen korrigera leverantörsfakturori Ekonomi:Frågor/Leverantörsfakturor

Utan behörighet kan man inte ändra något i leverantörsfakturorna.

The button for Change invoice will be inactivated for Users with the Authorisation set to none under Accounting/Queries/Suppliers invoices.

The button for Change invoice will be activated for Users with the Authorisation set to full under Accounting/Queries/Suppliers invoices.

The field for Supplier no can't be changed regardless whether or not the invoice is payed or not payed.