Funksjon for å avvise mediefakturaer

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Revision as of 15:36, 2 September 2019 by TR (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Dersom feltet for avvist e-post er tomt, vises et blankt felt i pop-up vinduet")

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Funksjon for å avvise mediefakturaer
Published 2019-08-21
Module Media
Version 546
Revision 47811
Case number 1095843

Funksjon for å avvise mediefakturaer

Funksjonen for avvising av mediefakturaer ligger under Media: Mediefakturaer/Liste.

Foreslået e-postadresse hentes fra feltet "E-post- avvist faktura" på leverandøren.

Dersom feltet for avvist e-post er tomt, vises et blankt felt i pop-up vinduet

If several invoices are selected with different suppliers that have different emails in the field "Email - rejected invoice", then there will be a warning and no default E-mail in the popup.

The sender E-mail and print template for the reject function is defined under System/Base registers/Med/Parameters - Under the tab for Claims.

Important: The template needs to be designed by Kalin Setterberg specifically for rejecting media invoices, otherwise the function won't work properly.

The rejected invoice is sent through the sending queue and is visible when selecting "Rejected" in the selection under Accounting/Queries/Suppliers invoices