Media Perusrekisterit

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Tiedot asiakkaista, medioista, käyttäjistä ym., voi viedä Exceliin. Napsauta Excel – painiketta. Ohjelma näyttää silloin valintaikkunan, josta voit rastittaa tiedot, jotka haluat mukaan. Valitsemasi tiedot tallennetaan käyttäjänimellesi ja tulevat ehdotuksena seuraavan kerran kun käytät toimintoa.

Kun avaat uusia tietoja, voit kopioida jo rekisteröidyn asiakkaan tietoja. Napsauta Kopioi – painiketta ja valitse asiakas. Paina OK, niin tiedot kopioidaan kenttiin. Tällä toiminnolla voit kopioida myös suunnitelmia, määräimiä, julkaisuja jne.

Painikkeen Template:Byn avulla pääset jälleen Perusrekisterin alkusivulle.

Muutamissa rekistereissä on myös mahdollista rajoittaa listan pituutta merkitsemällä ruudut "Vain omat" ja/tai "Vain aktiivit".



Yliasiakas – käsitettä on hyvä käyttää jos haluaa yhdistää useampia asiakkaita tilastoja varten.

Code Optional Collective client code.
Name Optional Collective client name.
VAT-no This field can be printed on client invoice and in reports
Organisation no Can be printed out on client invoice
Credit comment Comment, printed out on credit check
Credit class Credit classification of the Collective client. The classes are used in the Credit limit program.
Latest credit check Date for latest credit check. Together with “days” (number of days) this function calculates the time for next credit check.
Days between For calculation of next credit check
Insurance number Printed out in media credit list
Credit limit A credit limit can be set on collective client level, but not on a higher level. But if credit limit has been set on an individual client, it will be used. Credit limit is calculated each night.
Exceeded If some of the clients connected to the collective client has exceeded the credit limit, it will be tagged with “exceeded”, and no new bookings are possible. You can un-tick the “exceeded” box to lift the blocking.
Days additional to
cancellation date See separate description for credit handling and check
Notice days additional
To cancellation day See separate description for credit handling and check
Client manager Client manager for the collective client
Client category Possible client category for the collective client.
Group Possible group for the collective client.
Collective client Connect collective clients to each other to get a tree structure.
Reporting level A way of telling levels in the collective client structures for reporting
Blocked Deactivation of collective clients.


Tick the box “Show Collective clients” if you want to see also collective clients in the client list. Click New to add a new client. You can copy information from a client with similar setup.

Code A suitable client code consisting of 1-4 characters, e.g. Kalin Setterberg Data AB => KASE or KALI.
Internal name Internal name only shown in Marathon. If you for example have several Volvo clients, all with client name Volvo AB on the invoice, but belonging to different branches/departments, you can use the internal names as e.g. “Volvo Luxury cars, Gothenburg”
Name & Address Client name and address used on the media plan. If no other address is written in the fields INVOICING ADDRESS, this address will also be printed on the invoice.
Your ref The person who will be referred to in the invoice if the invoice not is allocated per product. If it is allocated, the reference from each product will be referred to.
Own ID Own label on client that can be printed in Sales ledger and in reports
Reporting ID See above
Budget client An own register that you can use for marking clients. Can be included in export of client registers.
Budget client balance An own register that you can use for marking clients. Can be included in export of client registers
Our ref Reference person in the own company.
Client manager Person in charge for the client.
Short name Generated automatically
Credit comment Comment printed out in credit check
Credit class A client can have a credit class. This is used in the Credit limit programme.

See separate description of credit handling and check

Exceeded If the client has exceeded its credit limit, it will be blocked for new bookings. Uncheck the box if you want to lift the closure. There is also a setting where the closure is lifted automatically at the nightly update
Calculate credit for
Preliminary orders See separate description of credit handling and check
Days additional to
cancellation day See separate description of credit handling and check
Notice days additional
to cancellation day See separate description of credit handling and check
Product mandatory Makes Product a mandatory field in the plans/orders.
Project mandatory Makes Project a mandatory field in the plans/orders.
Confidential Not in use
Do not show this client's
negotiated discounts
in the Media database Hides client's possible discounts on orders
Do not show this client's
neg. discounts in
comparison with
other agencies Hides client's possible discounts on orders
Clip book A reminder will be sent to the ad check, that the ad shall be cut out.
One insertion pr spot
TV-gate Used only in Finland
Reporting level A way to select level of the client structure for reporting
Blocked Blocks the client.
Instruction on order The text is suggested to be printed out on all new orders.
Material supplier Fields for default supplier in new orders
Last product number Shows last product number, if you use automatic numbers
Proposed agreement Suggests a standard agreement every time a new order is created for the client.
External suggestion Not in use.
Approved agreements A list of approved agreements for the client. A client can have several agreements; this list will show the approved agreements to select between for this client.
VAT Client’s VAT in the invoices. If the client is invoiced without VAT, select between domestic client, EU client or client outside of the EU.
VAT-number The client's VAT number. Shown in the invoice.
Organisation no Clients organisation number. Can be printed out on invoice.
Bank account Possible alternative bankaccount for client's payments
Intercompany code A report data definition. Intercompany code is included in Export in 02-71.
Invoice level Not in use.
One invoice per… Tick in for one invoice per product, per plan, per media etc.
Invoice only orders
with reference number If an order has no reference number, a sharp invoice cannot be printed, only test invoices. A warning is shown.
Sorting Not in use
Allocation on invoice Not in use
Invoice text A fixed invoice text to be printed out on invoices. Optional.
Invoice distribution
E-invoice recipient Fill in if the invoice shall be sent as en electronic invoice
E-mail for invoices If e-mail address is entered, the client invoice goes directly via e-mail to print.
E-document Specific client information concerning electronic invoices
Inv. adress State, if you want to send the invoice to a different address than the one in the Sales ledger
Client number Only if other than client number in Sales Ledger.
Scanned documents Scanned documents, e.g. agreements can be stored here.
Comment Internal comment
Authorisation Special authorisation for client regarding employee group, working team or employee. If e.g. an employee is entered here, only he/she has authorisation to the client
Own fields

Collective products

Collective products are used in a similar way as collective clients are - you can connect different products into one collective product.


Products are used for statistics and allocation on invoice.

Client Client that the product is connected to.
Code Product code. For example, Kalin Setterberg could have a product ”Marathon Time” with the code TIME.
Name Product name
Address Use only if a special address shall be used for a certain product. NB! This address is saved on the same client number as other invoices of the client in S/L. That can lead to errors on reminders and interest invoices.
Your ref Reference when invoicing per product.
Collective product You can connect different products into one collective product.
Blocked Blocked products can not be used in registration of new plans/orders.


Code Agreement code. Use e.g. client code and describing abbreviations, as KASE-TV for Kalin Setterberg TV agreement, KASE-PR for Kalin Setterberg Print agreement, KASE-IN for Kalin Setterberg Internet agreements etc.
Name Agreement name. Use a describing name, e.g. ”Kalin S. TV 3% Net” for TV agreement with 3% fee calculated on Net.
Terms of payment Terms of payment on the invoice to client.
Terms of payment
for fee on own invoice A client can have an agreement where media cost and fees are invoiced separately
Current month + above If terms of payment is to be calculated from the first day of the next month with the terms of payment. Example: Invoice date is 17th of March and terms of payment is 10 days. If this parameterNOT is ticked, the due date will be 27th of March. If it is ticked in, the due date will be the 10th of April.
Count from printout date Terms of payment are counted from the day the invoice was printed
Terms of payment with
cash discount Terms of payment for the cash discount
Cash discount Cash discount in percent
Bank account You can enter a separate bank account for suppliers' payments. This account has to be entered manually in 03-60 when the payment selection is made.
Invoicing of allocation If you invoice an allocation, it will include one invoice per client. If the media invoices the allocation, you must invoice the part that concerns the head client. If the client splits the allocation, there will be one invoice on the total amount.
Current invoicing The insertion will be included in the invoicing in 08- 70-10 provided that it has been inserted and (if mandatory) ad checked. If you leave this parameter unchecked, the insertion will not be included unless the selection is changed to ”Current invoicing” = N or blank.
Current pre-inv. The system can check if there are usable pre- invoices when invoicing in 08-70-10. In that case the system deducts as much pre-invoiced as possible, never more than the invoice amount, though.
Fee on own invoice Prints out fee % on an own invoice.
Default insertion status If the agreement concerns e.g. only pre-invoices, a default setting can be stated
Block new insertions Blocks new insertions from this agreement.
Invoice whole plan at the
first insertion All approved insertions are invoiced at the first date of selected insertion period
Invoice whole plan at the
last insertion All approved insertions are invoiced at the last date of selected insertion period
Invoice whole order at
the last insertion All insertions in the order are invoiced at the last date of selected insertion period.
Min invoice amount Minimum amount for the invoice to be printed.
Days until min-invoice
still is printed out Even if the minimum amount is not reached, the invoice is printed out after certain number of days.
Alt agreement for
allocation clients The agreement in the Plan –general is valid for all clients in an allocation . This field is for exceptions and points at the valid agreement. E.g. no 3 means, that the third agreement of the client shall be used.
Ad check mandatory Forces ad check on the client’s insertions. What media types are checked is set in the media type registers. Only those media types are shown in the ad check list.
Clip books The client’s clip book use is set in the Client registration program. Here you shall determine number of ads that they want. This will be printed out on the ad check list.
Ad check code Codes can be used internally and are shown in the ad check list. Example: TI if the complete newspaper/magazine shall be sent to the client and SI if only the page shall be cut out and be sent.
Valid until Validity period for the agreement (from insertion date to insertion date). E.g. all insertions during 2011 => 010111-311211
Alternative agreement… Reference to an alternative agreement if this cannot be used any more.
Agreed media types An agreement can be valid for certain media types only (e.g. TV or print only). If this field is left empty, all media types are approved.
Agreed media Works as above.
Fixed price on surcharge When entering a price row on the order with surcharge code, it is booked wit discount code, percent and the amount entered on the surcharge code field.
Blocked Blocks the agreement for further use.
Insertion fee Fee invoiced to client at each insertion. A part of the fee can go to the advertising agency - write possible percentage in “To agency”.
Insertion fee per media
in media combination A fee per included media. A combination with 4 media generates thus 4 x the amount.
Order fee Fee invoiced to client at each order. A part of the fee can go to the advertising agency - write possible percentage in “To agency
Allocation model This fee can be allocated in six different ways. Either a fee per client or a fee to the main client only.
Invoice header Replaces Marathon’s standard name for the fee (e.g. booking fee).
Insertion fee 2 & 3 Special fees per insertion. E.g. Clip book fee, if the ad check shall cut out the ad.
Plan fee Fee per plan. Can be allocated in six different ways; either a fee per client or a fee to the main client only.
General allocation Setting valid for all above fees
Per spot Entered amount from price row
Per media in combination An insertion fee for each included media in a combination
Per week An insertion fee per week. If an insertion covers 3 weeks, the fee will be 3x insertion fee.
Per format An insertion fee per format. Entered on order- general tab
Invoicing fee Fee on all invoices.
Pre-inv fee Fee on pre-invoice. Does not concern deduction invoices.
Show on invoice Not used in the new layout.
Alteration fee Fee charged from the client every time you make an alteration order for it. If parameters are correctly set and amount is written, Marathon asks about Alteration fee every time you change status on the order. If you agree, the fee will be an extra price row on the insertion. You can also give part of the fee to the advertising agency.
Alteration fee per
Media in combination As above, but one per included media
Cancellation fee Fee charged from the client every time you make a cancellation order for it. If parameters are correctly set and amount is written, Marathon asks about Alteration fee every time you change status on the order. If you agree, the fee will be an extra price row on the insertion. You can also give part of the fee to the advertising agency.
Cancellation fee per
Media in combination As above, but one per included media
Allocation template If no allocation, only the main client will be charged.
Do not update fees Not in use
Agency commission

In this tab, percentage of commissions to advertising agencies and/or clients is set. Marathon follows what is written on each media and there are two ways of handling over commissions to the client.

Cash discount on net Works like a normal commission
Cash discount Here the cash discount from the supplier is registered. Note that this is not what we actually have received, but is a fixed deduction.
Calculation basis Media net means that a certain percentage of what media gives us is sent forward to the client.

Example: If you put 2, 00 “to client” on Commission 1 , the client receives up to 2 % of what we receive from the media. If the media gives us 3 % in commission 1, we give 2 % to the client and keep 1% to ourselves. If the media gives 1, 5 % the client gets all and we nothing. If the media gives 10 % the client receives 2 % and we 8 %.

Commissions from media means that you write how much the client receives in format 50/50, 30/70, 80/20 etc.

Example: if you set 40, 00 “to client” on Commission 1 and 60, 00 “to us” , forty percent of the commission from media will be sent to the client and 60 percent is for us to keep.

If the media gives 3 % agency commission, we give 1, 2 % to the client and keep 1, 8 %. If the media gives 1, 5 % the client gets 0,6 % and we get 0,9 %. If the media gives 10 % the client gets 4 % and we get 6 %.

Type of allocation If the commission shall be allocated between the clients sharing the cost or if the end client gets the whole amount.
Show on invoice Not in use.
Capital cost

The tab capital cost shows how much fee mark-up the client shall have and how it shall be calculated.

Capital cost:

From client- how much in % we debit the client.

To agency- how much fee we give to the agency. Shown on the agency reconciliation.

Agency 2 - if we want to pass on fee to one more party. . Shown on the agency reconciliation.

To other agency- if you use another agency for bookings on a certain client. A separate agreement is necessary at the booking. In this field you must write how much fee the other agent shall charge us.

Example: We have a client whom we charge 5 % fee and write it in the field “from client”. Later the advertising agency shall have 1 % of this, and we write 1, 00 in the field “to agency”. In this case we keep 4 % for ourselves.

If we additionally are going to use another agency who will add 3 % fee, write it in the field “To other agency”. This means that we charge 5 % from the client; the agency gets 1% of it, the other intermediary gets 3& of it and we can keep 1 %.

Calculation basis The amount on which fee shall be calculated. Gross= before discounts, Net = after discounts, Net after left commission or Net after received commission.

The difference between Net after left commission or Net after received commission is that all commissions not necessarily are forwarded to the client, but can be partly kept or forwarded to other intermediary.

Min Minimum amount that shall be invoiced even if the percent based fee not is reached. It is selectable if the minimum fee shall be based Per insertion or Per price row.
Fee 2, 3 and 4 For additional fee mark-up to the client. Works like fee.
Allocation of fees If the fee shall be charged the clients who share the cost, or if the end client shall pay the whole amount.
Show on invoice Not in use.
Fee % of discount If fee shall be charged on a certain discount code.

Example: We negotiate an advantageous discount and can have a part of it through the agreement. The discount code in the parameters rules the size of our part.

Show on invoice Not used in the new layout.
To be deducted Not in use.
Special agreement It you work with Adform, you can register an agreement that is automatically generated when creating a plan and clicking the Adform-button. Set in the parameters the surcharge codes that shall be used in the booking. Calculation basis can be set on net, net-net or net- Agency commission.
Fixed price Possible agreed price for all or an additional price to previous.
Extra measuring Used only in Denmark
Foreign currency

The invoicing currency for the agreement is the one that is selected in the parameters. You can choose between own currency, the currency of the order, or an optional which you write in the field. You can also set a currency rate and a possible mark-up in order to cover currency discrepancies.

Invoicing currency The currency for invoicing the client. Select between Own currency, the Order currency or Specified below.
Currency If you chose Specified below, write the currency for invoicing. The system calculates first the order amount to the own amount before invoicing in the selected one. This provided that the invoicing currency and the order currency are the same.

Example: The order is in USD, our own currency is SEK but the client wants the invoicing in EUR. The order will be recalculated into SEK and then into EUR. If the orders had been in EUR, the same amount would have been invoiced the client without recalculation to SEK.

Invoicing rates Select between Order rate, Day rate + mark-up (write the mark-up in ”mark-up when converting to SEK”) and If order rate differs from day rate with more than max. allowed diff. (write the difference in ”max difference”)
Currency for fixed
amounts in agreement E.g. insertion fee. The amount is first calculated into own currency, thereafter to the invoicing currency

Conversion from base currency to foreign currency when invoicing

Invoicing currency You can select Order rate, Day rate + mark-up (which is written in the field below) or If order rate differs from day rate with more than max. allowed diff (when the maximum difference is stated)

Conversion from order currency to base currency when invoicing


For notes regarding the agreement, the client, etc. Note that this text only is available here.

Own fields

Set own fields in base registers-general. The fields can be text fields or numerical fields. The content can be exported to Excel.

Client categories

Grouping clients in categories can be useful for statistics or e.g. for invoicing a certain client category at one time. Client category can be e.g. Cars, and be connected with clients as VOLVO, BMW, SAAB. Categories can also be used for different types of invoicing like current invoicing, once a week, once a fortnight, once a month, etc. Another example is to use categories to separate national/international clients.


Group can be used to separate clients belonging to different teams/departments/companies. Thus you can use groups for statistic purposes or to select and authorise the data. There are fields in the User register, where you can write the groups that the user is authorised to. Group can also be set on media.


Here all advertising agencies those clients are connected to are entered. They are used as information on the order to the media. For those clients whose agreement says that they shall have a part of a commission, fee and surcharges, the agency of the client is used to make an agency settlement. In order for this to work, the agency has to be a supplier in the Purchase Ledger.

Code Agency code
Name Agency name, printed on the order
Address Used in agency settlement
Fax If number is wanted as suggestion when faxing orders and plans.
E-mail If address is wanted as suggestion when mailing orders and plans.
Your ref + fax + e-post (as above)
Supplier no in P/L Used by agency settlement to generate a deduction bill that later can be paid to the agency. This will be handled as a normal supplier’s invoice in P/L.
Language on settlement Used in agency settlement
Vat on settlement Used in agency settlement
Cost centre Used in posting of settlement, if the amount shall be put on a special result unit.
Cost object Used in posting of settlement, if the amount shall be put on a special result unit.
Blocked Blocks the agency.



If publishers are registered, media can later be connected to these. Useful in statistics and in yearly agreements between client and media/publisher. When a media is connected in the price list and the media in the price list is connected to a publisher, the publishers are automatically activated in this program.

Media groupings

Different media can be connected to media groupings. Useful for different kinds of statistics A grouping can e.g be a special business.

Code Code for grouping
Name Name, e.g. Cars.
Media Fetch the media belonging to the grouping.


Registration of media that then shall be connected to the Media database. When connecting, all information is coming with it. The information is. Address, fax, telephone, e-mail address, currency, type of media, publisher, included media if combination . If one of those are changed it will be overwritten in the update of the media database, that is made every night.


If the media shall be connected to the database, fetch it from the fields “media in the database” and the system will fill address from there.

Name Media name.
Address Address on the order.
Fax Number suggested when faxing.
E-post E-mail address suggested when mailing order.
Short name Used in sorting in Classic.
Media in the database Used in connecting a media to the database.
Synchronisation Options for synchronisation with the media database of Marathon
Default in combination If the same media is twice in the list, select the one that shall be default in media combinations.
VAT to client If VAT shall be on the insertions in this media (provided that the media is taxable).
VAT from media If the media adds VAT when invoicing us. Used in entering media invoices via Classic.
Currency Normal currency for the order. Can be changed at registration.
Language Language of the order.
Media type Type of media, e.g. TV, Internet, Radio, Magazine, etc
Trade agreements For reporting to possible trade organisations.
Publisher Publisher of the media. For statistics and yearly agreements between client and media/publisher.
Media statistics code For selection and sorting in reports.
Supplier no in P/L If the invoice always is coming from one supplier. Facilitates entering of supplier invoice.
Parameters 2
Earlier ad check Amount of days before the insertion – in case you wish earlier ad check.
Material date Not in use.
Header inv level 2 Invoice level 2 = one row per media in the invoice. Media name will be the header, if nothing else is written here.
Order distribution How the order shall be sent: Fax, e-mail or e-order
Remind of control ex If ticked, each order gets a row with reminder that a control example shall be sent.
Default surcharge code If you want the media to be register to another code than 000 media cost.
Surcharge code not
changeable Makes change of surcharge code impossible on the order.
Blocked Blocks the media
Agreements 1 & 2

The commissions that the agency gets from the media and how it shall be calculated.

Valid from Agreements start date. It is possible to have two agreements for a media, with different periods of validity.
Agency commission How many percent agency commission that the media gives to us.

(Similar for other commissions)

Type of calculation Of what the commission shall be calculated

1. All on net

2. Mtrl.c + Agency c, other

3. Mtrl.c + Agency c, Info.c, Paym.c

4. All on gross

5. Mtrl.c + Agency. c on gross, other (on net)

6. Agency. c + Info. c + Payment c, Mtrl. c

Description of calculation type 3

Material commission and agency commission are calculated on net.

On the net after deduction of material commission and agency commission, information commission is calculated

On the net after deduction of material commission. Agency commission and information commission, the payment commission is calculated.

Types 2 and 6 work similarly.

Type 5 as well, but material – and agency commissions are calculated on gross. This is later deducted from net before calculation of other commissions are made.

Type of commission Select All from media is kept – otherwise the percentages for agency commission etc will not be fully used.
Special for surcharge
code If you e.g. don't receive any commission for colour surcharge, enter the code for it and select Nothing is kept.
Media combination

If the media is a combination, all included media is shown here. All included media in a combination must exist as individual media in the database to be able to set a combination.

Media types


All new media have to belong to a media type. E.g. ad check and possible special postings are decided per media type. When a media is connected to the database the media type is coming automatically- the type that it has been registered to.

Code Numerical code.
Name Optional name.
Col mm price If selected, millimetres are mandatory when entering order. Rarely used.
Sales In case the revenue of the insertion shall be posted on a certain sales account. If empty, account is fetched from the base registers.(Similar for other accounts)
Days in credit check Number of future days that shall be included in credit check.
Highest inv.level Not used in portrait invoice layout
Header inv.level 4 Not used in portrait invoice layout
Ad check If the type shall be ad checked.
Print If ticked, insertion date is suggested when entering new insertion. If not, start- and end dates are suggested.
Do not invoice new
insertions New insertions are automatically getting status S, “Do not invoice”
Earlier invoicing Enter amount of days before “to insertion date” the current invoicing shall be done. Example: If you set 5 days, invoicing is done April 20th and yet including insertions until April 25th.
Media class in database Media class in database that the type concerns. Only one type to each media class.
Coll. Media class Definition for statistics, e.g. Online/offline

Table registration See separate description

Trade agreements Used for statistics only.
Media statistic codes For connecting media together and follow up in reports. Select new and write code and name.


Surcharge codes

Codes that shall be used for registration of orders are entered in this tab. You can select other accounts if you don’t want the standard postings for surcharges.

Some codes are entered by Kalin Setterberg (media cost and colour surcharge) but you are free to add new codes when needed.

Code Optional code
Internal name This name is shown in Marathon.
Name Name shown on invoice. Select language.
Agency commission Tick in if you expect agency commission.
Capital cost If capital cost shall be calculated on the code.
Invoiced by the media If the invoice is expected from the media. The codes with this box ticked are shown in the Reconciliation
Discount Possible discount in the surcharge
Highest cost discr. Rarely used. Only if reconciliation is made per Surcharge code.
Highest revenue discr. See above.
Fixed price Comes automatically when the surcharge is entered.
Account If the revenue from surcharges are posted on a certain sales account. If empty, the accounts set in base registers are valid

(Same goes for cost account and book-away account)

Cost centre Possibility to change cost centre of the client
VAT K=client’s VAT, M=media’s VAT, N= no VAT.

For media cost and colour surcharge, select media’s VAT, for other codes, most often, client’s VAT.

Show on plan Shows VAT on plan printout
Sum with media cost Select if the code shall be summarized with the media cost’s gross price, net price or not at all. Both in invoice and plan printout
Show in footer of media
plan, graphic plan
and invoice Instead of showing on order as a separate price row, the surcharge cost can be specified on the footer of the page. Note! A print template is necessary.
Do not invoice If surcharges are on an order and shall not be invoiced
Blocked Blocks the invoice

Discount codes

In this tab discount codes are created and specified.

To the agency The agency's discount in agency settlement
Cap cost % of disc. Select if the discount shall be added to the agreed discount. You can enter several codes. Note, that there should not be any default code set in the parameters.
Disc. Code in price list Added to those media, who gets discount after the agency commission has been withdrawn. Contact Kalin Setterberg for more information.

Placement codes

The placement codes that have been created can later be selected when adding placement manually into the order. By using the database, the codes are coming automatically.

Format codes

The format codes that have been created can later be selected when adding formats manually into the order. By using the database, the codes are coming automatically

Colour codes

The colour codes that have been created can later be selected when adding colours manually into the order. By using the database, the codes are coming automatically These codes are printed on the material list.

Material codes

New material codes are created here, i.e. how the material shall be delivered. In the order –general. It is possible to write delivery and that will be printed out on the order. Material code can e.g. be Courier, ISDN or 999999 ”earlier inserted” which means that the material is available already.

Reporting codes

Register for codes that can be used on insertions for statistics

Insertion status codes

Possibility to create own S-status codes. E.g. S2 for “wait for correction”



A person must be filed as a user in the media system before he/she can be an owner of a plan client manager or reference on an invoice


Name, telephone and fax References on plan printout.

Reminder control ex Possibility to print reminder to the media of control examples from the ad check in Classic 08-21. Printer entered here will be suggested.
Invoices When the user prints invoices in Classic this printer is suggested.

Here you can restrain users’ authorisations.

Group shown in
search functions Group that users shall see in search programs in Classic. If empty, everything is shown
Authorised to group Group/groups that the user is authorised to. If empty, everything is shown.
Also authorised to client If the user is authorised to certain clients belonging to a group where she/he has no access to, the clients can be entered here.

Reconciling codes

Discrepancies that occur if the media invoice does not agree with client invoice are automatically marked with discrepancy codes- reconciliation codes- according to the rules that are set in the reconciliation codes.

Code Selected code
Name In the example: not approved positive discrepancy .
Client invoices The code allows unlimited discrepancies, positive or negative.
Media invoices The code allows unlimited discrepancies, positive or negative.

(Same on booked away amounts and pending discrepancies).

Discr. Negative amt. A 0-0 interval means negative discrepancies are not allowed.
Discr. Positive amt. If the insertion has a positive discrepancy from 101 SEK and up, this insertion gets this reconciliation code. Positive discrepancy means that we have invoiced more from the client than media has invoiced us.
Valuation order In this case five (5). That means that the system first checks if the discrepancy can be classified to code 1, thereafter code 2, etc. 1 means no discrepancy, 2 allowed discrepancy (normally up to 100 SEK). Number 3 can be ”only client invoice sent”, number 4 “only media invoice received” etc.

The idea with these codes is that when printing lists , you can select to see certain reconciliation codes. It is also easy to book away all discrepancies of a certain type , e.g. approved discrepancies.

Claim texts

When claiming a media invoice you can fetch the text from the register.

Report- and column templates

See separate manual for these functions.

Document types

In this program document types are created, which are used for marking scanned documents in Documents. A document type can e.g. be AG= Agreement.


Documents that are scanned can be picked up in Media client agreement in Frontoffice.


The general settings for the company are found in the parameters. These are set when starting to use Marathon, but can of course be changed.

Company name Company code
Language Select language
Currency Company’s currency. All plans re printed in this currency.
Authorisation confidential Authorisation level for confidential clients
Synchronize clients in PRO Changes of address in MED will also be changed in PRO for the client code.
Automatic transfer
of clients to S/L New client is automatically also created in the Sales Ledger.
Decimals Decimals can be used in Marathon. This parameter should NOT be changed before checking with Kalin Setterberg.
Type of credit check See separate manual of credit handling.
Only def orders in credit check If empty, also preliminary orders are checked.
Standard printer Not in use

Settings for the old authorisation system in Classic.

Basic information

Standard values for creating Clients and Media

Plans and orders

Standard values for plans and orders.

Media plan draft State discount codes if you want to use the draft
Ad check
Sorting for ad check Media/Media type/Combination etc.
Ad check method Insertion status, Own field no inv, Own field inv
Layout The template for reminder of control copies is set here.

Standard settings for invoicing concerning e.g. vat rates, accounts for invoices with media costs, surcharges, etc. periodical tables are set here, if you want a certain invoice date interval to be booked in a certain period (not necessarily the same period).

Save general invoice text Check if you want to save the general invoice text that can be written in the invoicing 08-70-10 .
VAT-allocated posting 1234 in position 6 means that the sales are booked with the end numbers 01, 02, 03 and 04 of the account, depending of the VAT rate and country of the invoice.
Invoice type The invoice type is MF and shall not be changed
Cost centre from group If you use cost centres in the bookkeeping, the group's cc is fetched automatically. Otherwise it is fetched from
Show latest client no from SL
Create one client pr. product in SL In the invoicing you can choose to handle products as separate clients, which can be helpful in possible reminders and interest invoices. Otherwise all invoices come to the client number of the client.
Cap cost % of disc code If the surcharge concerns only one discount code. Otherwise this is stated directly on the discount code
Vat in commisisions on VAT free media When invoicing a vat free client, you can still count vat on the commission parts. If the commission is a deduction, the Vat will be negative.
Vat in part of neg disc . See above. Vat is entered on codes with capital costs in percentage
Count cash discount
from total incl VAT Otherwise it will be counted from the total excl. VAT
Rate mandatory in order Not recommended, makes manual rate updating mandatory on new orders
Invoice surcharge with status R
Demand actual currency rates Invoicing cannot be made if the rate is not updated
Use rate of insertion date Fetches rate from insertion date. For both client- and media invoices
E-mail heading Heading when sending invoices as emails
E-mail only invoices with
amount <> 0 Stops invoices with zero amount from being sent (e.g. pre-invoice deductions)
Invoice fee only on invoices
with amount <> 0 Does not add invoicing fees to zero invoices
Include invoices made in PRO Allows collective invoicing with a project invoice. NB! Print template has to be adjusted.
Do not update client in SL If you want to update the client manually when invoicing.
Today's date default on ”to ins date” Suggests today's date as end date in teh insertion date field 08-70-10
Send all invoices via
Invoice distribution No Invoices will be sent from 08-70-10, but all from the Invoice distribution program.

The posting of media invoices is divided in three parts.

First part shows sales and what goes to the client. It is media sales, additional sales, insertion fees and other fees. Also commission deductions are booked on different accounts. The first part concerns everything until Cash discount.

In the other part accounts are chosen for commissions. It is good to post all commissions separately. The other part concerns everything until Media cost.

Settlement surcharges Not in use

Surcharge Not in use

The third part conserns the parts that are left to the agency in agency settlements and concerns everything until Cash discount

Cap cost from receivables Not in use

Cap cost from revenues Not in use

Accounting periods If you want to handle periods separately from accounting periods, you can set up own periods for the media system. This concerns both media- and client invoices.
Pre-invoice texts You can write a default text that comes as suggestion on pre-invoices in 08-70-23
Media invoices

These parameters concern entering of media invoices only if you have outsourced your invoice handling to Kalin Setterbergille.

Kalin Setterberg sets the parameters

Special agreements

A special agreement calculates the cost/revenue automatically based on the turnover of the plan.

First, enter media and surcharge code for the purchase price and then a second surcharge code (invoiced by media) that is used on the surcharge (no invoice from the media). After that the Special agreement tab will be activated. State the agreed percentage.


Setting for reconciliation and how to book away discrepancies.

Highest discrepancies Enter accepted discrepancies, unless you are using automatic reconciling codes.
Voucher type If you want to use another voucher type for book- away's
Transfer to SL Check if you want to book the updated discrepancy.
Include ext. surcharges in
reconciliation It is possible to include external surcharge codes to a media invoice reconciliation (external: not invoiced by media).
Only gross reconciliation
Reconciliation per code Not in use
Reconciliation per insertion Not to be changed
Suggest today's date as accounting date
Company in GL/SL/PL Not to be changed, field has to be blank or have a company code.
No reconciliation codes in 08-80-11
Warn if ad check 01-30 not is done
Sorting of updated discrepancy
bookings Sorting per client, order or plan
Show details when updating
discrepancy postings Shows the posting per order.
Surcharge code for corrections Corrections can be made directly in reconciliation of media invoices. If you don't want to define surcharge code, they will be posted on code 000, media cost.
Maximum amount rounding State maximum rounding amount. The rounding will be posted on a designated rounding account.
Periodical allocation from
Age analysis Possibility to define own days for the age analysis report (02-71)
Trade creditors All trade creditors will be booked on this account . If the field is empty, the account stated on the supplier will be used.
Trade creditors-cc Cost centre with same principle as above.
Rounding Concerns both client- and media invoices.
Currency discr. Account for discrepancies due to currency rates
Media cost Account for book-aways, regardless if they are revenues or costs.
External surcharges
Default pending account Normally not in use.

Agency settlement

Settings concerning Agency settlement are done in 08-71. An updated agency settlement can be booked and moved to the purchase ledger. You can also select decimals for VAT and details regarding Reclamations. Reclamations (claims) require a certain print template, please contact Kalin Setterberg.