Bekræftelse af tillægsaftaler

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Revision as of 14:38, 28 January 2020 by TR (talk | contribs) (Created page with "De røde punkter indikerer, at der findes information at bekræfte, før man kan gemme posten.")

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Bekræftelse af tillægsaftaler
Published 2020-01-24
Module System
Version 546
Revision 49014
Case number 1121520

Bekræftelse af tillægsaftaler

Parameteren for aktivering af funktionen ligger i Basisregister/MED/Parametre, fanebladet Basisoplysninger. Brugere, der skal anvænde funktionen, trenger adgang i Adgangsregisteret, enten till bekræftning eller registrering af ændringer.

De røde punkter indikerer, at der findes information at bekræfte, før man kan gemme posten.

The message is shown to notice the user that the confirmation is needed before the changes are made.

In the list of Surcharge agreements - the column Unconfirmed change indicate if the post has changes that needs to be confirmed.

To confirm the changes, the user with the authorisation to Confirm press the button Confirm and then saves the post. After providing the users password to confirm the changes the post is saved and ready to use with the new information.