Registrering av utfall

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Registrering av utfall
Published 2020-02-17
Module Media
Version 546
Revision 49251
Case number 1115339

Registration on Actuals for Surcharges in Actuals page

Mediaplaner/Planer, fliken Utfall

Utfall kan användas för att lättare kunna skapa korrektioner på definitiva eller fakturerade ordrar.

In order to use this functionality some additional setup and training is neccessary, the below is an example of how it can look:

Order 2120 was originally registered with amount 500.000 and net total 10.000.

The acctuals recived showed it be be 495.000 adding up to a net totalt of 9.800.

These new figures is registered in the actuals tab and creates correction rows on the insertion:

Please contact Kalin Setterberg at for more information and for help with setup.