Internal reconciliations

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Reconciliation between companies

Accounting/Reports/Reconciliation between companies

The function is for reconciling internal transactions. You can for example see if an invoice that has been sent from company A is in company B and if the remaining amount is the same. You can also see payables and receivables between companies, entered on special balance sheet accounts.

The following preparations are necessary:

1. Check "Show in Intercompany reconciliation" for the company in Base registers/General/Companies under the tab Other.
2. Mark clients and suppliers with Counterpart in Base registers/SL/Clients and in Basre registers/PL/Suppliers. As an example, supplier A in company B and C shall be marked with Counterpart A.
3. If internal transactions shall be reconciled, also balance sheet accounts shall b marked with counterpart.

Vid själva avstämningen fylls ena bolaget i som Perspektivbolag A och det andra som Motföretag B. Valuta ska vara Sek. Det spelar ingen roll vilket bolag som anges var och vilket bolag ni är inne i när ni gör körningen.

Om det finns differenser i den lista som kommer upp så kan man öppna raden och se detaljer dvs fakturor som diffar mm.