Log for API

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Revision as of 11:25, 18 October 2023 by TR (talk | contribs) (Created page with "create_campaign, create_plan, create_order_direct, create_insertion, create_price_row, create_product, update_insertion, update_price_row, delete_order, delete_insertion, dele...")

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Log for API
Published 2023-10-05
Module Media
Version 546W2309
Revision 0
Case number CORE-5046

Log for API

Følgende API-anråb har fået forbederinger i logfunktionen:

create_campaign, create_plan, create_order_direct, create_insertion, create_price_row, create_product, update_insertion, update_price_row, delete_order, delete_insertion, delete_pricerow og change_delivery_status.

It is now possible to add the user ID when making the API calls, and the user ID will then be logged with all mentioned calls except create_campaign, create_plan, create_product and delete_order.

A new column called Integration API has also been added which shows the name registered for the Integration API in Marathon.