Language statistics

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This page shows translation statistics for all message groups for a language.

Language code

Translation statistics for Danish (recent translations).

Message group Messages Untranslated Completion Outdated
Camt introduction guide 16 1 93% 7%
Client and Project 113 81 28% 11%
Contacts 18 18 0% 0%
Direct invoicing 11 1 90% 10%
Enter vouchers 57 2 96% 4%
Extern kommunikation på Kalin Setterberg 37 37 0% 0%
FAQ/PRO 4 4 0% 0%
FAQ:Helpcenter/Support 5 1 80% 0%
FAQ:PRO/Time reporting 19 18 5% 95%
Favourites 6 6 0% 0%
General functionality 20 20 0% 0%
Group consolidation 12 1 91% 9%
Inventory ledger 23 23 0% 0%
Kase:Translations/helpcenter 28 3 89% 4%
Kase:Translations/Tenant/MABI 5 5 0% 0%
Kase:Web 4 1 75% 0%
Kase:Web/Header 5 5 0% 0%
Lagervärdering 25 25 0% 0%
Marathon 4 4 0% 0%
Marathon Documentation 2 2 0% 0%
Media Base registers 194 194 0% 0%
Media credit 17 1 94% 6%
Media Plans and Orders 113 5 95% 0%
Monthly closing reconciliation 76 1 98% 2%
New company in Marathon 23 23 0% 0%
New year 2016 545 53 51 3% 4%
News:A warning is now given wnen an invoice with other date than planned invoice date/month is printed out 10 10 0% 0%
News:Approve reversal under Invoicing and Adjusting - Invoices 11 11 0% 0%
News:Automatic import of currencies 15 15 0% 0%
News:Avtal ej obligatoriskt vid orderimport 3 3 0% 0%
News:Batch change of Product in Media plans 5 1 80% 20%
News:Change of working group: Time report approval 4 4 0% 0%
News:Changes of OK check in Enter scanned media invoices 6 1 83% 0%
News:Changes to E-invoice receivers with format EHF in Norway 25 25 0% 0%
News:Changes to the field Employee groups on the fee code 5 1 80% 0%
News:Check project's company relation in Media credit control 5 5 0% 0%
News:Edit periodical allocations in graphical interface 10 10 0% 0%
News:Foreign currency as columns in MED pre-invoicing 8 8 0% 0%
News:Group mandatory on plan 6 3 50% 0%
News:Handelsbanken Norway SEPAv3 format 5 5 0% 0%
News:Internal corrections - Set terms of payments on internal corrections to 0 4 4 0% 0%
News:Introduction to Marathon 546 44 8 81% 0%
News:ISO20022 payments for Danske Bank in Finland 7 7 0% 0%
News:Kolumn med kontering i Ekonomi/Avstämning mellan bolag - internförsäljning 3 1 66% 34%
News:Kontaktperson från planhuvudet nu även i fördelningsmallen 3 2 33% 0%
News:Kostnadsställe som urval och kolumn i Medierapporter 2 2 0% 100%
News:Momsklass i Utläggsredovisningen 3 1 66% 34%
News:Namnge kreditklass A-F i Mediaparametrarna 3 2 33% 67%
News:New calculation basis for special agreements: Net media cost 6 6 0% 0%
News:New column template codes for procent paid 8 3 62% 38%
News:New column VAT number in Base registers - PL - Suppliers 4 4 0% 0%
News:New column, Reporting ID in Baseregisters/MED/Clients 5 5 0% 0%
News:New Columns in Project/Queries/Client and project 6 6 0% 0%
News:New columns, Estimate Fees and Estimate Total in Projects, Queries, All projects 7 5 28% 72%
News:New Columns, Estimate Fees and Total Estimate in Projects/Queries/All projects 7 4 42% 58%
News:Own fields and Own registers connection for Projects 31 31 0% 0%
News:Payments direct to Bankgirot with HMAC seal 11 11 0% 0%
News:Payments via Bank Connect 6 1 83% 0%
News:Possibility to mark Publisher as inactive 11 11 0% 0%
News:Project and IC1 in SIE File 6 6 0% 0%
News:Selection on Collective media type under Media - Invoicing 5 5 0% 0%
News:Selection on Correction in MED reports and column template code for Correction 7 2 71% 0%
News:Selection on Cost object group in Bookkeeping reports with the type Print template 4 4 0% 0%
News:Selection on VAT in queries Supplers invoices 5 5 0% 0%
News:Show total sums in the table registration 7 1 85% 15%
News:Skapa nytt dokument på kund i MED 6 1 83% 17%
News:Structured payment information to Danske Bank 6 6 0% 0%
News:Support for Dimensions in Book discrepancies and Media invoices 8 8 0% 0%
News:Sök i Ekonomi Frågor Konton 3 1 66% 34%
News:Utökat stöd för representation i Utläggsredovisningen 13 1 92% 8%
Payments in the graphical interface 40 40 0% 0%
Periodical allocations 24 2 91% 9%
Posting of a non-media related cost in a media invoice 9 9 0% 0%
Project queries 113 1 99% 0%
Registrering medarbetare/användare 37 37 0% 0%
Surcharge agreements 11 2 81% 19%
Technical specification 14 14 0% 0%
All message groups together 1,497 894 40% 5%