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Message group:
Marathon Documentation
General functionality
Client and Project
Marathon Time
Registrering medarbetare/användare
Enter vouchers
Enter clients and projects
Zero invoicing
News:New alternatives for restraining “Invoice the whole plan at first insertion”
Resource planning
Expense reports startup
Enter and approval of supplier invoices
Enter employees and users
Monthly closing reconciliation
News:Users in Media only for authorisation
News:Save selection on several records in media reports
News:Changes in invoice distribution
News:The code in the user register must be the same as in the Emloyee register in PRO
Media Base registers
FAQ:PRO/Resource planning
FAQ:PRO/Time reporting
FAQ:ACC/Invoice distribution
FAQ:SYS/Base registers/General/Users
News:Introduction to Marathon 546
Media accounting
News:Replaced function in Classic
News:Merged functions and buttons
FAQ:ACC/Expenses-Expense reports watch list
FAQ:ACC/Suppliers invoices-Preliminary entering
FAQ:ACC/Suppliers invoices-Watch list
FAQ:MED/Media plans-Media plans
FAQ:PRO/Queries-Client and project
FAQ:PRO/Registration, corrections and updatings
FAQ:SYS/Base registers/PRO/Clients and projects
FAQ:SYS/Base registers/PRO/Invoice clients
FAQ:SYS/Base registers/PRO/Calendar
FAQ:SYS/Base registers/PRO/Employees
News:Parameter, default owner of order from plan or registrator
News:End date mandatory for all media types except Print
News:(Svenska) Alla unika referensnummer på planen visas i Media: Medieplaner
News:A warning is now given wnen an invoice with other date than planned invoice date/month is printed out
News:Changes of OK check in Enter scanned media invoices
News:(Svenska) Ny kolumn i Avstämning mediafakturor: Alternativt ordernummer
News:(Svenska) Ränteprocentsatsen har nu utökats till två decimaler
News:New calculation basis for special agreements: Net media cost
News:Base register for Unit per Media type
New year 2016 545
Project queries
Pocket Time and Time log
News:New column in Balance report S/L and P/L
News:Batch change of Campaigns
News:Fakturera införanden t o m
Kase:Web/About Marathon
Kase:Web/About Us
News:Automatgenererade mailrubriker per kund i MED
News:Kolumn med kontering i Ekonomi/Avstämning mellan bolag - internförsäljning
News:Projektrapporter begrepp för pris på ouppdaterat arvode
Periodical allocations
Special hourly rates
Interest invoicing
Payment reminders
Pocket Expense reports
Documents in Marathon
Correction of Time, Purchases and Other
News:Namnge kreditklass A-F i Mediaparametrarna
NEWSːNya summeringsbegrepp i Medierapporter
NEWSːSpara urval i Media/Avstämning
NEWSːDefault valuta i Projektrapporter
Media Plans and Orders
Media reports
Internal invoicing PRO
Extern kommunikation på Kalin Setterberg
News:Skapa nytt dokument på kund i MED
Scanning of suppliers' and media invoices
News:Kostnadsställe som urval och kolumn i Medierapporter
News:Kontaktperson från planhuvudet nu även i fördelningsmallen
News:Collective publisher as column and exportable in base registers
News:Avtal ej obligatoriskt vid orderimport
News:Urval på Kostnadsställe i Projektrapporter
Media credit
News:Utökat stöd för representation i Utläggsredovisningen
News:Momsklass i Utläggsredovisningen
News:Sök i Ekonomi Frågor Konton
New year in Marathon
New year - Quick guide
News:Register Other content in text tab
News:Change of working group: Time report approval
News:Approval report
News:Change of working group: Change approver per working group
News:Deliverance status
News:Make adjustments per invoice
News:Your reference on media plan
News:Mediastatistikkod som summeringsbegrepp i mediarapporter
News:Ändra belopp i nettokolumnen vid registrering av tolkade mediefakturor
News:Val om kurser ska behållas eller raderas vid kopiering av plan/order
News:Automatic adjustment of WIP when printing a project invoice
News:Allocate order
News:Two new Media Report column concepts: Insertion/Delivery status and Media/Country code
News:New subtotal Cost centre in Project/Reports
News:Group mandatory on plan
Technical specification
News:Max currency discr on foreign invoice text
News:Column Week in the list of insertions on the order in Media plans
News:Change delivery status on insertion level
News:Allow changes in order information even if credit limit is exceeded
News:Change delivery status from media reconciliation
News:Calculated amounts and default columns in project invoicing
News:Reference number on insertion
News:Column Publisher in Media plans and Media queries
News:New Column Group in Media queries
News:Search for invoices in Project queries
News:Show clients in Base register Media Collective clients
Internal reconciliations
Special authorisation for account administration
News:Last used tab in Accounting/Queries saved on user
News:Selection on registration date in Export to payroll system
News:Column for Client code in Media/Queries
News:Save selections in Project reports
News:New column Client in Base register Campaign
News:New column E-mail in invoice distribution
News:Payments in classic 03-60 is replaced and can now be found in Accounting Payments
News:IBAN account on Foreign OIO E-invoices
News:Batch change of Product in Media plans
News:Select insertions now also includes status P and I
News:Edit field Turnover in Special agreement
News:Search for multiple invoice numbers in Accounting/Queries
News:Selection on invoice amount in Accounting/Queries
News:Suppliers' invoices now bookable directly when saving
News:More information on reminder/errors on suppliers' and media invoices
News:New column "Insertion status" on media invoices
News:Possible to inactivate Shared Business-clients
News:Credit class headlines in Base register/MED/Collective clients
News:Batch Change of Invoicing currency and Rate
News:New Column with over-collective client customer name in Base/MED/Collective clients
News:Superior client manager as selection and column data definition in media reports and as selection in Media queries.
News:Batch change of Invoice currency and rate in the list of orders
News:Booking date in the list of orders on the media plan
News:Maximum columns in Media reports extended to 192
News:If the text data definition have more details than the summary data definition a * indicates this in the summary data definition field in MED and MED PRO reports
News:Refinement of lock funktion in Projects, update wip
News:New allocation in list of orders and table registration: One insertion per week
News:Media brand as column data definition in Media reports
News:Matching of estimate in time reporting
News:Allow booking of expense reports with final approval that includes a comment
News:Reverse suppliers' invoices
News:Replacement of Classic 03-32
News:Correction of suppliers' invoices
News:Enter manual client invoices
Purchase orders
Time report approval
News:New column Media type in the list of Media plans
News:Group name and Group code as new columns in the Collective clients register
News:Allocation One insertion per week, split amounts per number of days
Invoice scanning
News:New column, Internal correction, in Accounting/Queries/Client invoices
News:Reconciliation at order-level in Media plans
News:Selection to exclude zero-invoices in Accounting/Queries
News:Column "Invoice comment" in Media plan/order
News:Distribute several media invoices in one E-mail
News:New columns in List purchases
News:Quantity and Unit price for purchases in Project Estimates
News:Posting of fictitious VAT in the function for Reverse charge
WIP valuation
News:New field on the insertion Invoicing start
Payments in the graphical interface
News:Client (Internal name) in the Media plan list
News:Batch change of Correction Status
News:Mass-creation new product on a number of clients
News:Save password history
News:Allocate - possibility of choosing several orders
News:Calculation basis, Discount code and Discount number as columns in Yearly agreement
News:Fields for sending mail copies in Sales ledger
News:Column "Cash discount" in Payment selections
News:Subtotals for Insertion/End date, Order no + date,, End date
Email invoices
News:Changes to the field Employee groups on the fee code
News:Employees will not be shown in Time report approval if their calendar period is later than the selected month
News:Allocate per quarter
News:Added selection Entry date to the Export to payroll system
News:Changes to the Approval function for Vouchers.
News:New column VAT number in Base registers - PL - Suppliers
News:Added fields for Payment terms and Swift/bank under Base registers/P/l/Suppliers/New account information
News:Changes to Authorisations for Purchase Ledger/Base registers/Suppliers
News:Update timereport when marked as complete or full time
News:The suppliers invoice number in the list of vouchers
News:Added Contact person mandatory checkbox under Base registers/MED/Clients/Parameters 2
News:Added Document tab on the Supplier under Base registers - Project ledger - Suppliers
News:Net-net, Net-net client and CTC as columns on insertion level in Media plans
News:Amount limit for Voucher approval
News:Pre-approval and Final approval as columns in Expense reports watch list under Booked invoices
News:Authorisation to Show others notifications
News:Currency and Category as new selections under Payment selections
News:Edit comment field on the invoice in Invoice distribution
News:Column for Our ref in the Order import tab in Media plans
News:Employee group text fields as registers on Other codes and Purchase codes
News:Marking currencies to be visible in Marathon Pocket
News:Reverse Media invoice
News:Extended OK-control in interpretation of Media invoices
News:Delete insertions on Order level
News:Sum of selected rows
News:Estimate mandatory for external projects
News:Perform credit check before a Purchase order is saved
News:Perform credit check when confirming estimate
News:Set end date as invoicing start
News:Payments via Bank Connect
News:Decimals on the interest invoice sum
News:Send interest invoices via Invoice distribution
News:Change client in Accounting - Queries
News:Changes to Media invoice interpretation
News:Campaign name field extended to 100 characters
News:Media pre-invoicing in graphical interface
News:Credit control in Project queries
News:Cost centre mandatory on the media client
News:Period on the insertion for digital and outdoor media types
News:Selection on several delivery statuses in the Reconciliation
News:Show Delivery status change in the order log
News:Column for insertion status on a opened invoice in the Media invoice-interpretation
News:Copy Media plan without the order instruction
News:End date period selection in Media reports and Media queries
News:Show several Media invoices and write same message on several Media invoices
News:Selection on Authorisation when exporting list of Project clients
News:Field for Ref no for interest invoices on Sales ledger clients
News:Export Default surcharge code under Parameters 2 on the Media
News:Column "Excl. VAT" under Accounting queries
News:Column "Deadline" under Invoicing and Adjusting in the list Project
News:Cost centre as a selection and a column in Media Reconciliation and Media Queries
News:Employee group/Employee as detail level for Fees in the project analysis
News:Selection on Employee group in MED&PRO reports
News:Sort order Reporting ID in Accounting - Reports - Sales ledger for Ageing analysis and Balance report
Internal and External corrections in the Reconciliation
News:Order date as a column data definition in Media reports and column for Order date in Media/Queries
News:VAT as a column data definition for Media reports
News:Column Project in Expenses - Expense reports watch list - Watch list
News:Sharing of purchase codes with selection on project group
News:Approve reversal under Invoicing and Adjusting - Invoices
News:Default Delivery status to Delivered as definitive when batch changing insertions on order level
News:Send E-invoices from Marathon via PEPPOL
News:Tab for documents on Media clients
News:Parameter for new clients only through MED
News:Approval of Media Client and Client agreements
News:Approval of Suppliers
News:Authorisation to Correction of Suppliers invoices
News:Approval of Users and Authorisation
News:Background update lists from cache
News:Selection on Inv date and Due date under Accounting - Queries - Client invoices
News:Column for Job type under Project - Queries
News:Column for Master project under Project management
News:Batch change for price rows on insertion level
News:Selection on Credit class and Credit limit when exporting list of Project clients
News:Column for Group on projects in Base registers - Pro - Clients and projects
News:Red dot notification for Expense reports watch list
News:Batch change for Projects under Projects - Queries - Project queries
News:Parameter for Group from project manager when creating project
News:Selection on Cost centre group in Bookkeeping reports with the type Print template
News:Field for Payment reminder E-mail under Sales ledger - Clients
News:Parameter for mandatory planned invoice date
News:Cash flow forecast under Accounting - Reports - Bookkeeping
News:Button for locking column in the Table registration
News:Show total sums in the table registration
News:Authorisations to Agency settlement
News:Select all dates in Table registration
News:Own fields for Suppliers
News:Parameter for not including VAT in current pre-invoice deduction
News:Function for rejecting media invoices
News:Check project's company relation in Media credit control
News:Comment on collective clients
News:Show several client invoices under Accounting - Queries - Client invoices
News:Invoices per surcharge code in Media - Invoicing
News:Warning when pre-invoice deduction exceeds WIP when creating new PRO invoice
News:Allocate - One insertion per half year
News:Net-net client total in Table registration
News:Column for Campaign in the Reconciliation
News:Display Campaign before Media plan number in the navigation field
News:Inv No - Inv date and Due date in Revaluation of foreign trade debtors/creditors
News:Select several Media types on Format codes for Table registration
News:Amount from price row as a Column template code
News:Subtotal for Accounting date year in MED reports and MED&PRO reports
News:Print Graphical Plan - Selection on Definitive - Preliminary and Not confirmed from Table registration
News:Selection on Correction in MED reports and column template code for Correction
News:Own fields for Orders in MED reports and MEDPRO reports
News:Set default Insurance amount 1 in MED parameters
News:Print report on EU-export to SKAT
News:Support for Dimensions in Book discrepancies and Media invoices
News:Foreign currency as columns in MED pre-invoicing
News:Template versions for Office and Pocket
News:Selection on Cost object group in Bookkeeping reports with the type Print template
News:Edit periodical allocations in graphical interface
News:Mandatory fields in Table registration
News:Allow change of Media statistics code on order
Inventory ledger
News:MED invoicing in the background
News:Inventory ledger in the graphical interface
Estimate revenues/costs
News:Message columns under Expenses watch list
News:Batch change Owner on Orders
News:Column for Correction status in the Reconciliation list
News:Register for Reference number on the Media plan
News:Own fields and Own registers connection for Projects
Direct invoicing
News:GDPR function to remove personal data
News:Changes to E-invoice receivers with format EHF in Norway
News:Approval of Surcharge agreements
News:Selection on Payment date for Client invoices and Suppliers invoices in Queries
News:Alternative code for reference from reports on Own fields for Orders
News:Print out Campaign name and Plan name when printing Material list
News:Field for Surcharge agreement on Media
News:Parameter for VAT with decimals in Direct invoicing
News:Column Status in the event log for Suppliers invoices
News:Registration on Actuals for Surcharges in Actuals page
News:Own fields for Campaigns
News:Checkboxes for Block current deduction and Settle all under Media - Pre-inv
News:Selection on Collective media type under Media - Invoicing
News:Reverse Interest invoice
News:Columns for Estimate under Accounting - Queries - Accounts
News:Products from MED in PRO
News:Superior client manager on PRO clients and in PRO reports
News:Plan label 1 to 3 as columns in the list of Media plans
News:Column for Project manager under Registration correction and updating - Update WIP
Revaluation of foreign trade debtors/creditors
News:Selection on Discr 2 net-net under Media - Reconciliation
News:Sum of selected rows in the Table registration
News:Allocate - One insertion per consecutive period
News:Parameter for Campaign and Product mandatory only on new plans and orders
News:E-order status as a column template code for MED reports
Media invoices
News:Column for Order heading in the Reconciliation list
News:Column template code for Pre-inv text
News:Parameters for default product mandatory set and campaign mandatory set on new MED clients
News:Selection on Account under Accounting - Queries - Book of entries
News:Add invoices to created Payment selections
Reconciliations between companies
Media invoice interpretation
News:Undo Order allocation
News:Deduct from collective client for Pre-inv in MED
News:Column for Payment date in 08-70-25
News:Log registrator date and time from the Time registration
News:Column for Reference number in the Invoice distribution
News:Own ID on MED agreements
News:Capital cost 2-4 as columns in the list of MED agreements
News:Columns for Invoice amount excl vat under Media plans - Invoices
News:Parameter for including paid pre-invoices from PRO in MED credit monitoring
News:Parameter for Media type from the media in reports
News:Internal corrections - Set terms of payments on internal corrections to 0
News:Reverse Zero invoicing in graphic interface
News:Client cost estimate in graphic interface
News:Base registers users - Summarize the number of users
News:Invoice distribution new column Payment date
News:Delivery status in Media reports
News:Expand Merge function
News:The column template code IENH now show name instead of code
News:Get and set timereport status in the API
News:Set authorisation to groups in the API
News:Include Earlier invoiced on Collective invoices
News:Collective workgroup
News:Change invoice in reconciliation
News:PRO reports log refno invno
Posting of a non-media related cost in a media invoice
News:Possible to export accounting reports to clipboard
News:A new searchable field for Internal name on invoice clients
News:Basic definition OT-balance in project reports
News:Structured payment information to Danske Bank
SAF-T Finance in Marathon
News:The account balance is now presented in Voucher reg
News:Payments direct to Bankgirot with HMAC seal
News:Do not send zero invoices
News:Field Campaign in registering projects in Projects queries
News:Planned insertion lines on booked orders
News:Possible to export project reports to clipboard
News:Organisation number and Country code is presented for client invoices
News:Delete accumulated interests in graphical interface
News:New data definition for Accumulated project time in project reports.
News:Net discrepancy per age and reconciliation code in graphical interface
News:Reverse part of media invoice in graphical interface
News:Unlock locked media orders in grpahical interface
News:Creation date as column in base register Media Clients
News:Error warnings for mandatory fields in table registrations
News:Change in behavior of function button CREDIT
News:New check when booking Media and Supplier invoices
News:Campaign added to the invoice text on Media E-invoices
News:Report Hour-, client export with employees in columns in graphical interface
News:Change Agreement code in the graphical interface
News:Change Employee code in the graphical interface
News:Different alternatives to Update booked away discrepancies
News:Reverse Booked away Discrepancies
News:Calculation basis for Net after left comission to client and agency
News:Select which Surcharge codes to be shown on the order
News:Change client code
News:Change Media Code
News:Possible to export the reports Pre-inv list and status to Excel.
News:Expenses with corporate card
News:Report Statistics Late Orders in graphical interface
News:Edit not settled in Agency Settlement.
News:Possible to change Supplier on already booked invoices
News:New selection Only not Deducted in media invoicing.
News:Possible to print out Statement of accounts in Purchase Ledger.
News:Book with new posting of manually registered media invoices.
News:Sync of Contract no field between PRO and MED
News:Increased numbers of Approved media in the agreement
News:Preliminary insertions on definitive orders - Revised
Table registration
New company in Marathon
News:Default insertion status on Media
News:Due date in invoice distribution
Pre-invoicing in the Media system
News:New data definition for Own fields on Media Plan in Column templates.
News:New column for Reference number in report Ageing analysis, Sales Ledger
Group consolidation
News:Possibility to copy previous years result to Estimate
News:Change VAT name
News:Separate authorisation for Media Invoicing and Media Pre-inv
News:Possibility to change cost centre on client invoices
News:Approval of Project invoices
New field within pre-invoice for your ref
News:ISO20022 payments for Danske Bank in Finland
News:New subtotal: Estimate client
News:Possibility to add Group on surcharge code
News:Show VAT and Amount incl VAT for project estimates
News:Intercompany code only from register
News:Matching of supplier FIK-account on supplier AT invoices
Surcharge agreements
News:Calendar dates in Table registration
News:Age distributed WIP list in PDF
News:Correction Media Invoice voucher TX
News:New Columns in Invoicing and Adjusting
News:New selection Week or Day in Cash flow forecast
News:New Columns in Project/Queries/Client and project
News:New Columns, Estimate Fees and Total Estimate in Projects/Queries/All projects
News:New parameter for mandatory Client category
News:New column, Reporting ID in Baseregisters/MED/Clients
News:New column, Supplier in Media/Reconciliation
News:Possibility to mark Publisher as inactive
News:New export format to payroll system
News:New columns in Project, Queries, Client and project
News:New columns, Estimate Fees and Estimate Total in Projects, Queries, All projects
News:New column, Reporting ID in Baseregisters, MED, Clients
News:New column, Supplier in Media, Reconciliation
News:Project and IC1 in SIE File
News:Suggestion from latest pre-invoice
News:Favorite marking on project reports
News:Automatic ID setting on new Suppliers
News:Select correction status in the Credit popup
News:Selection on VAT in queries Supplers invoices
News:Selection on Currency in queries Supplers invoices
Mva reports via Altinn
News:PDF is now sent in OIO invoices
News:Allocation in Enter client invoices
News:New parameter for payments, Trax
News:Approval of Vouchers
News:Sum of selected rows in Accounting queries
Clearing of accounts
News:Collective surcharge codes
News:Employee group in Column templates
News:New fields to be approved in the Require confirmation setting for Suppliers
News:System setting of Marathon language
News:Change to Queries
News:Discount view added to Table registration
News:New columns for Client Category
News:Sums in invoice lists on the media plan
News:Selection on Delivery status in Media Queries
News:New Invoice type
News:New parameter for Block current deduction
News:New column for Campaign
News:Connection to BRREG
News:Immediate superior in Notifications
News:Time report approval by Immediate user
News:New selection in Approval
News:Camt import
News:New selection Collective group in Age distributed WIP list
News:Approval of Vouchers Enhancement
News:Opening balance PRO
News:Changed the order of columns in Change supplier
News:Karkimedia digital medias
News:New bank HB3 for ISO20022 format
News:New selection for Bank account
News:Addition to Camt import
News:Adjustment of payment format Citibank via Trax
News:Fix Surcharge agreement
News:Improvents to LOG Changes
News:Authorisation on voucher series
News:Document path for vouchers
News:Cost centre in Age distributed WIP list
News:Parameter to exclude capital cost on price row
News:New column Adjusted
News:New bank BNP Paribas
News:New error message in Reconciliation
News:Printout of depreciations in Vouchers
News:Import of currency rates
News:Current pre invoice deduction per row
News:New limit in Sending queue
News:Changes to Approval
News:New columns in Invoicing and Adjusting
News:Show pre invoice
News:Details in Vouchers
News:Two new Job types
News:New column template codes for procent paid
News:New column in Media clients for Client manager
News:New columns in Correction Time reporting
News:New parameter in Client parameters to name Reminders
News:Changes to Authorisation Read on Media plans
News:Changes to Media invoicing selection
News:Automatic import of currencies
News:New warning for insertion dates
News:New columns for LOB
News:New column for Immediate superior
News:LOG creation on tab Estimate in PRO
News:New column booking date period in list of vouchers
News:Make orders definitive in queries with credit check before enabled
News:Alternative acc code in Book of entries
News:Changes to import of SIE files
News:LOB added to Special prices
News:New type of limit amount calculation in Approval of vouchers
News:Changes to Create plan via Campaign
News:Log for API
News:Message-function on vouchers
News:Changes to Media database
News:New language AU
News:Import of SIE4
News:Change to Create plan via Campaign
News:Approval of Purchase Orders
News:Clearing of accounts between cost centres
News:Selection of clearing status
Handling of hourly prices in foreign currency
Camt53 Introduction guide
News:New selection in Time reporting Reconciliation
News:Additions to Expense types list
News:Transaction fees SEB
News:Code in Accounting reports
News:New function in Accounting for Estimate of revenues and cost
News:Base currency and Invoice currency in Invoicing and Adjusting
News:Allow corrections on Automatic vouchers
News:Internal name and reference number columns
News:Own fields on Inter company code
News:Danske Bank SEPAv3 for Norwegian companies
News:New warnings on PRO client
News:New credit classes on PRO clients
News:Own fields for Users
News:New column in Media reports
News:Handelsbanken Norway SEPAv3 format
News:New selections in Age distributed WIP list
News:Additional email adresses for reminders
News:Camt import addition
News:Functionality for moving Media invoices to a new date
News:New calculation basis for Fixed price in Surcharge agreements
News:New column for LOB in Time reporting
News:Longer email fields
News:Cost center columns in Queries
News:Heading for revaluation function
News:Period column in PRO invoicing
News:Sync of IC code to PRO
Camt introduction guide
News:Repeat payment
News:Improved error messages and new block in PRO invoicing
News:New warning for VAT on foreign suppliers
News:Decimals in Project management
News:SAFT reporting new version
News:Choose bank account when creating payment file
News:Changes to Marathons support
News:Multiple formats on an order
News:Scanned document on LF voucher
News:Changes to Arrival number in Preliminary entering
News:Changes to approval of vouchers
New Year in Marathon- New Interface
News:New column Occupation in Employee list
News:Selection for Collective group in Export to payroll system
News:New selection for Export to payroll system Agda
News:Only mine filter removed from Campaigns
News:Extended approval of Payment selections
Do not display languages which have completed translation
Do not display languages which do not have any translations
da: Danish
en: English
fi: Finnish
nb: Norwegian Bokmål
sv: Swedish
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