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Camt introduction guide
Camt53 Introduction guide
Clearing of accounts
Client and Project
Correction of Time, Purchases and Other
Direct invoicing
Documents in Marathon
Email invoices
Enter and approval of supplier invoices
Enter clients and projects
Enter employees and users
Enter vouchers
Estimate revenues/costs
Expense reports startup
Extern kommunikation på Kalin Setterberg
FAQ:ACC/Expenses-Expense reports watch list
FAQ:ACC/Invoice distribution
FAQ:ACC/Suppliers invoices-Preliminary entering
FAQ:ACC/Suppliers invoices-Watch list
FAQ:MED/Media plans-Media plans
FAQ:PRO/Queries-Client and project
FAQ:PRO/Registration, corrections and updatings
FAQ:PRO/Resource planning
FAQ:PRO/Time reporting
FAQ:SYS/Base registers/General/Users
FAQ:SYS/Base registers/PRO/Calendar
FAQ:SYS/Base registers/PRO/Clients and projects
FAQ:SYS/Base registers/PRO/Employees
FAQ:SYS/Base registers/PRO/Invoice clients
General functionality
Group consolidation
Handling of hourly prices in foreign currency
Interest invoicing
Internal and External corrections in the Reconciliation
Internal invoicing PRO
Internal reconciliations
Inventory ledger
Invoice scanning
Kase:Web/About Marathon
Kase:Web/About Us
Marathon Documentation
Marathon Time
Media accounting
Media Base registers
Media credit
Media invoice interpretation
Media invoices
Media Plans and Orders
Media reports
Monthly closing reconciliation
Mva reports via Altinn
New company in Marathon
New field within pre-invoice for your ref
New year - Quick guide
New year 2016 545
New year in Marathon
New Year in Marathon- New Interface
News:(Svenska) Alla unika referensnummer på planen visas i Media: Medieplaner
News:(Svenska) Ny kolumn i Avstämning mediafakturor: Alternativt ordernummer
News:(Svenska) Ränteprocentsatsen har nu utökats till två decimaler
News:A new searchable field for Internal name on invoice clients
News:A warning is now given wnen an invoice with other date than planned invoice date/month is printed out
News:Add invoices to created Payment selections
News:Added Contact person mandatory checkbox under Base registers/MED/Clients/Parameters 2
News:Added Document tab on the Supplier under Base registers - Project ledger - Suppliers
News:Added fields for Payment terms and Swift/bank under Base registers/P/l/Suppliers/New account information
News:Added selection Entry date to the Export to payroll system
News:Addition to Camt import
News:Additional email adresses for reminders
News:Additions to Expense types list
News:Adjustment of payment format Citibank via Trax
News:Age distributed WIP list in PDF
News:Allocate - One insertion per consecutive period
News:Allocate - One insertion per half year
News:Allocate - possibility of choosing several orders
News:Allocate order
News:Allocate per quarter
News:Allocation in Enter client invoices
News:Allocation One insertion per week, split amounts per number of days
News:Allow booking of expense reports with final approval that includes a comment
News:Allow change of Media statistics code on order
News:Allow changes in order information even if credit limit is exceeded
News:Allow corrections on Automatic vouchers
News:Alternative acc code in Book of entries
News:Alternative code for reference from reports on Own fields for Orders
News:Amount from price row as a Column template code
News:Amount limit for Voucher approval
News:Approval of Media Client and Client agreements
News:Approval of Project invoices
News:Approval of Purchase Orders
News:Approval of Suppliers
News:Approval of Surcharge agreements
News:Approval of Users and Authorisation
News:Approval of Vouchers
News:Approval of Vouchers Enhancement
News:Approval report
News:Approve reversal under Invoicing and Adjusting - Invoices
News:Authorisation on voucher series
News:Authorisation to Correction of Suppliers invoices
News:Authorisation to Show others notifications
News:Authorisations to Agency settlement
News:Automatgenererade mailrubriker per kund i MED
News:Automatic adjustment of WIP when printing a project invoice
News:Automatic ID setting on new Suppliers
News:Automatic import of currencies
News:Avtal ej obligatoriskt vid orderimport
News:Background update lists from cache
News:Base currency and Invoice currency in Invoicing and Adjusting
News:Base register for Unit per Media type
News:Base registers users - Summarize the number of users
News:Basic definition OT-balance in project reports
News:Batch change for price rows on insertion level
News:Batch change for Projects under Projects - Queries - Project queries
News:Batch change of Campaigns
News:Batch change of Correction Status
News:Batch change of Invoice currency and rate in the list of orders
News:Batch Change of Invoicing currency and Rate
News:Batch change of Product in Media plans
News:Batch change Owner on Orders
News:Book with new posting of manually registered media invoices.
News:Booking date in the list of orders on the media plan
News:Button for locking column in the Table registration
News:Calculated amounts and default columns in project invoicing
News:Calculation basis for Net after left comission to client and agency
News:Calculation basis, Discount code and Discount number as columns in Yearly agreement
News:Calendar dates in Table registration
News:Campaign added to the invoice text on Media E-invoices
News:Campaign name field extended to 100 characters
News:Camt import
News:Camt import addition
News:Capital cost 2-4 as columns in the list of MED agreements
News:Cash flow forecast under Accounting - Reports - Bookkeeping
News:Change Agreement code in the graphical interface
News:Change client code
News:Change client in Accounting - Queries
News:Change delivery status from media reconciliation
News:Change delivery status on insertion level
News:Change Employee code in the graphical interface
News:Change in behavior of function button CREDIT
News:Change invoice in reconciliation
News:Change Media Code
News:Change of working group: Change approver per working group
News:Change of working group: Time report approval
News:Change to Create plan via Campaign
News:Change to Queries
News:Change VAT name
News:Changed the order of columns in Change supplier
News:Changes in invoice distribution
News:Changes of OK check in Enter scanned media invoices
News:Changes to Approval
News:Changes to approval of vouchers
News:Changes to Arrival number in Preliminary entering
News:Changes to Authorisation Read on Media plans
News:Changes to Authorisations for Purchase Ledger/Base registers/Suppliers
News:Changes to Create plan via Campaign
News:Changes to E-invoice receivers with format EHF in Norway
News:Changes to import of SIE files
News:Changes to Marathons support
News:Changes to Media database
News:Changes to Media invoice interpretation
News:Changes to Media invoicing selection
News:Changes to the Approval function for Vouchers.
News:Changes to the field Employee groups on the fee code
News:Check project's company relation in Media credit control
News:Checkboxes for Block current deduction and Settle all under Media - Pre-inv
News:Choose bank account when creating payment file
News:Clearing of accounts between cost centres
News:Client (Internal name) in the Media plan list
News:Client cost estimate in graphic interface
News:Code in Accounting reports
News:Collective publisher as column and exportable in base registers
News:Collective surcharge codes
News:Collective workgroup
News:Column "Cash discount" in Payment selections
News:Column "Deadline" under Invoicing and Adjusting in the list Project
News:Column "Excl. VAT" under Accounting queries
News:Column "Invoice comment" in Media plan/order
News:Column for Campaign in the Reconciliation
News:Column for Client code in Media/Queries
News:Column for Correction status in the Reconciliation list
News:Column for Group on projects in Base registers - Pro - Clients and projects
News:Column for insertion status on a opened invoice in the Media invoice-interpretation
News:Column for Job type under Project - Queries
News:Column for Master project under Project management
News:Column for Order heading in the Reconciliation list
News:Column for Our ref in the Order import tab in Media plans
News:Column for Payment date in 08-70-25
News:Column for Project manager under Registration correction and updating - Update WIP
News:Column for Reference number in the Invoice distribution
News:Column Project in Expenses - Expense reports watch list - Watch list
News:Column Publisher in Media plans and Media queries
News:Column Status in the event log for Suppliers invoices
News:Column template code for Pre-inv text
News:Column Week in the list of insertions on the order in Media plans
News:Columns for Estimate under Accounting - Queries - Accounts
News:Columns for Invoice amount excl vat under Media plans - Invoices
News:Comment on collective clients
News:Connection to BRREG
News:Copy Media plan without the order instruction
News:Correction Media Invoice voucher TX
News:Correction of suppliers' invoices
News:Cost center columns in Queries
News:Cost centre as a selection and a column in Media Reconciliation and Media Queries
News:Cost centre in Age distributed WIP list
News:Cost centre mandatory on the media client
News:Creation date as column in base register Media Clients
News:Credit class headlines in Base register/MED/Collective clients
News:Credit control in Project queries
News:Currency and Category as new selections under Payment selections
News:Current pre invoice deduction per row
News:Danske Bank SEPAv3 for Norwegian companies
News:Decimals in Project management
News:Decimals on the interest invoice sum
News:Deduct from collective client for Pre-inv in MED
News:Default Delivery status to Delivered as definitive when batch changing insertions on order level
News:Default insertion status on Media
News:Delete accumulated interests in graphical interface
News:Delete insertions on Order level
News:Deliverance status
News:Delivery status in Media reports
News:Details in Vouchers
News:Different alternatives to Update booked away discrepancies
News:Discount view added to Table registration
News:Display Campaign before Media plan number in the navigation field
News:Distribute several media invoices in one E-mail
News:Do not send zero invoices
News:Document path for vouchers
News:Due date in invoice distribution
News:E-order status as a column template code for MED reports
News:Edit comment field on the invoice in Invoice distribution
News:Edit field Turnover in Special agreement
News:Edit not settled in Agency Settlement.
News:Edit periodical allocations in graphical interface
News:Employee group in Column templates
News:Employee group text fields as registers on Other codes and Purchase codes
News:Employee group/Employee as detail level for Fees in the project analysis
News:Employees will not be shown in Time report approval if their calendar period is later than the selected month
News:End date mandatory for all media types except Print
News:End date period selection in Media reports and Media queries
News:Enter manual client invoices
News:Error warnings for mandatory fields in table registrations
News:Estimate mandatory for external projects
News:Expand Merge function
News:Expenses with corporate card
News:Export Default surcharge code under Parameters 2 on the Media
News:Extended OK-control in interpretation of Media invoices
News:Fakturera införanden t o m
News:Favorite marking on project reports
News:Field Campaign in registering projects in Projects queries
News:Field for Payment reminder E-mail under Sales ledger - Clients
News:Field for Ref no for interest invoices on Sales ledger clients
News:Field for Surcharge agreement on Media
News:Fields for sending mail copies in Sales ledger
News:Fix Surcharge agreement
News:Foreign currency as columns in MED pre-invoicing
News:Function for rejecting media invoices
News:Functionality for moving Media invoices to a new date
News:GDPR function to remove personal data
News:Get and set timereport status in the API
News:Group mandatory on plan
News:Group name and Group code as new columns in the Collective clients register
News:Handelsbanken Norway SEPAv3 format
News:Heading for revaluation function
News:IBAN account on Foreign OIO E-invoices
News:If the text data definition have more details than the summary data definition a * indicates this in the summary data definition field in MED and MED PRO reports
News:Immediate superior in Notifications
News:Import of currency rates
News:Import of SIE4
News:Improved error messages and new block in PRO invoicing
News:Improvents to LOG Changes
News:Include Earlier invoiced on Collective invoices
News:Increased numbers of Approved media in the agreement
News:Intercompany code only from register
News:Internal corrections - Set terms of payments on internal corrections to 0
News:Internal name and reference number columns
News:Introduction to Marathon 546
News:Inv No - Inv date and Due date in Revaluation of foreign trade debtors/creditors
News:Inventory ledger in the graphical interface
News:Invoice distribution new column Payment date
News:Invoices per surcharge code in Media - Invoicing
News:ISO20022 payments for Danske Bank in Finland
News:Karkimedia digital medias
News:Kolumn med kontering i Ekonomi/Avstämning mellan bolag - internförsäljning
News:Kontaktperson från planhuvudet nu även i fördelningsmallen
News:Kostnadsställe som urval och kolumn i Medierapporter
News:Last used tab in Accounting/Queries saved on user
News:LOB added to Special prices
News:LOG creation on tab Estimate in PRO
News:Log for API
News:Log registrator date and time from the Time registration
News:Longer email fields
News:Make adjustments per invoice
News:Make orders definitive in queries with credit check before enabled
News:Mandatory fields in Table registration
News:Marking currencies to be visible in Marathon Pocket
News:Mass-creation new product on a number of clients
News:Matching of estimate in time reporting
News:Matching of supplier FIK-account on supplier AT invoices
News:Max currency discr on foreign invoice text
News:Maximum columns in Media reports extended to 192
News:MED invoicing in the background
News:Media brand as column data definition in Media reports
News:Media pre-invoicing in graphical interface
News:Mediastatistikkod som summeringsbegrepp i mediarapporter
News:Merged functions and buttons
News:Message columns under Expenses watch list
News:Message-function on vouchers
News:Momsklass i Utläggsredovisningen
News:More information on reminder/errors on suppliers' and media invoices
News:Multiple formats on an order
News:Namnge kreditklass A-F i Mediaparametrarna
News:Net discrepancy per age and reconciliation code in graphical interface
News:Net-net client total in Table registration
News:Net-net, Net-net client and CTC as columns on insertion level in Media plans
News:New allocation in list of orders and table registration: One insertion per week
News:New alternatives for restraining “Invoice the whole plan at first insertion”
News:New bank BNP Paribas
News:New bank HB3 for ISO20022 format
News:New calculation basis for Fixed price in Surcharge agreements
News:New calculation basis for special agreements: Net media cost
News:New check when booking Media and Supplier invoices
News:New column "Insertion status" on media invoices
News:New column Adjusted
News:New column booking date period in list of vouchers
News:New column Client in Base register Campaign
News:New column E-mail in invoice distribution
News:New column for Campaign
News:New column for Immediate superior
News:New column for LOB in Time reporting
News:New column for Reference number in report Ageing analysis, Sales Ledger
News:New Column Group in Media queries
News:New column in Balance report S/L and P/L
News:New column in Media clients for Client manager
News:New column in Media reports
News:New column Media type in the list of Media plans
News:New column template codes for procent paid
News:New column VAT number in Base registers - PL - Suppliers
News:New Column with over-collective client customer name in Base/MED/Collective clients
News:New column, Internal correction, in Accounting/Queries/Client invoices
News:New column, Reporting ID in Baseregisters, MED, Clients
News:New column, Reporting ID in Baseregisters/MED/Clients
News:New column, Supplier in Media, Reconciliation
News:New column, Supplier in Media/Reconciliation
News:New columns for Client Category
News:New columns for LOB
News:New columns in Correction Time reporting
News:New Columns in Invoicing and Adjusting
News:New columns in Invoicing and Adjusting
News:New columns in List purchases
News:New columns in Project, Queries, Client and project
News:New Columns in Project/Queries/Client and project
News:New columns, Estimate Fees and Estimate Total in Projects, Queries, All projects
News:New Columns, Estimate Fees and Total Estimate in Projects/Queries/All projects
News:New credit classes on PRO clients
News:New data definition for Accumulated project time in project reports.
News:New data definition for Own fields on Media Plan in Column templates.
News:New error message in Reconciliation
News:New export format to payroll system
News:New field on the insertion Invoicing start
News:New fields to be approved in the Require confirmation setting for Suppliers
News:New function in Accounting for Estimate of revenues and cost
News:New Invoice type
News:New language AU
News:New limit in Sending queue
News:New parameter for Block current deduction
News:New parameter for mandatory Client category
News:New parameter for payments, Trax
News:New parameter in Client parameters to name Reminders
News:New selection Collective group in Age distributed WIP list
News:New selection for Bank account
News:New selection in Approval
News:New selection in Time reporting Reconciliation
News:New selection Only not Deducted in media invoicing.
News:New selection Week or Day in Cash flow forecast
News:New selections in Age distributed WIP list
News:New subtotal Cost centre in Project/Reports
News:New subtotal: Estimate client
News:New type of limit amount calculation in Approval of vouchers
News:New warning for insertion dates
News:New warning for VAT on foreign suppliers
News:New warnings on PRO client
News:Opening balance PRO
News:Order date as a column data definition in Media reports and column for Order date in Media/Queries
News:Organisation number and Country code is presented for client invoices
News:Own fields and Own registers connection for Projects
News:Own fields for Campaigns
News:Own fields for Orders in MED reports and MEDPRO reports
News:Own fields for Suppliers
News:Own fields for Users
News:Own fields on Inter company code
News:Own ID on MED agreements
News:Parameter for Campaign and Product mandatory only on new plans and orders
News:Parameter for Group from project manager when creating project
News:Parameter for including paid pre-invoices from PRO in MED credit monitoring
News:Parameter for mandatory planned invoice date
News:Parameter for Media type from the media in reports
News:Parameter for new clients only through MED
News:Parameter for not including VAT in current pre-invoice deduction
News:Parameter for VAT with decimals in Direct invoicing
News:Parameter to exclude capital cost on price row
News:Parameter, default owner of order from plan or registrator
News:Parameters for default product mandatory set and campaign mandatory set on new MED clients
News:Payments direct to Bankgirot with HMAC seal
News:Payments in classic 03-60 is replaced and can now be found in Accounting Payments
News:Payments via Bank Connect
News:PDF is now sent in OIO invoices
News:Perform credit check before a Purchase order is saved
News:Perform credit check when confirming estimate
News:Period column in PRO invoicing
News:Period on the insertion for digital and outdoor media types
News:Plan label 1 to 3 as columns in the list of Media plans
News:Planned insertion lines on booked orders
News:Possibility to add Group on surcharge code
News:Possibility to change cost centre on client invoices
News:Possibility to copy previous years result to Estimate
News:Possibility to mark Publisher as inactive
News:Possible to change Supplier on already booked invoices
News:Possible to export accounting reports to clipboard
News:Possible to export project reports to clipboard
News:Possible to export the reports Pre-inv list and status to Excel.
News:Possible to inactivate Shared Business-clients
News:Possible to print out Statement of accounts in Purchase Ledger.
News:Posting of fictitious VAT in the function for Reverse charge
News:Pre-approval and Final approval as columns in Expense reports watch list under Booked invoices
News:Preliminary insertions on definitive orders - Revised
News:Print Graphical Plan - Selection on Definitive - Preliminary and Not confirmed from Table registration
News:Print out Campaign name and Plan name when printing Material list
News:Print report on EU-export to SKAT
News:Printout of depreciations in Vouchers
News:PRO reports log refno invno
News:Products from MED in PRO
News:Project and IC1 in SIE File
News:Projektrapporter begrepp för pris på ouppdaterat arvode
News:Quantity and Unit price for purchases in Project Estimates
News:Reconciliation at order-level in Media plans
News:Red dot notification for Expense reports watch list
News:Reference number on insertion
News:Refinement of lock funktion in Projects, update wip
News:Register for Reference number on the Media plan
News:Register Other content in text tab
News:Registration on Actuals for Surcharges in Actuals page
News:Repeat payment
News:Replaced function in Classic
News:Replacement of Classic 03-32
News:Report Hour-, client export with employees in columns in graphical interface
News:Report Statistics Late Orders in graphical interface
News:Reverse Booked away Discrepancies
News:Reverse Interest invoice
News:Reverse Media invoice
News:Reverse part of media invoice in graphical interface
News:Reverse suppliers' invoices
News:Reverse Zero invoicing in graphic interface
News:SAFT reporting new version
News:Save password history
News:Save selection on several records in media reports
News:Save selections in Project reports
News:Scanned document on LF voucher
News:Search for invoices in Project queries
News:Search for multiple invoice numbers in Accounting/Queries
News:Select all dates in Table registration
News:Select correction status in the Credit popup
News:Select insertions now also includes status P and I
News:Select several Media types on Format codes for Table registration
News:Select which Surcharge codes to be shown on the order
News:Selection of clearing status
News:Selection on Account under Accounting - Queries - Book of entries
News:Selection on Authorisation when exporting list of Project clients
News:Selection on Collective media type under Media - Invoicing
News:Selection on Correction in MED reports and column template code for Correction
News:Selection on Cost centre group in Bookkeeping reports with the type Print template
News:Selection on Cost object group in Bookkeeping reports with the type Print template
News:Selection on Credit class and Credit limit when exporting list of Project clients
News:Selection on Currency in queries Supplers invoices
News:Selection on Delivery status in Media Queries
News:Selection on Discr 2 net-net under Media - Reconciliation
News:Selection on Employee group in MED&PRO reports
News:Selection on Inv date and Due date under Accounting - Queries - Client invoices
News:Selection on invoice amount in Accounting/Queries
News:Selection on Payment date for Client invoices and Suppliers invoices in Queries
News:Selection on registration date in Export to payroll system
News:Selection on several delivery statuses in the Reconciliation
News:Selection on VAT in queries Supplers invoices
News:Selection to exclude zero-invoices in Accounting/Queries
News:Send E-invoices from Marathon via PEPPOL
News:Send interest invoices via Invoice distribution
News:Separate authorisation for Media Invoicing and Media Pre-inv
News:Set authorisation to groups in the API
News:Set default Insurance amount 1 in MED parameters
News:Set end date as invoicing start
News:Sharing of purchase codes with selection on project group
News:Show clients in Base register Media Collective clients
News:Show Delivery status change in the order log
News:Show pre invoice
News:Show several client invoices under Accounting - Queries - Client invoices
News:Show several Media invoices and write same message on several Media invoices
News:Show total sums in the table registration
News:Show VAT and Amount incl VAT for project estimates
News:Skapa nytt dokument på kund i MED
News:Sort order Reporting ID in Accounting - Reports - Sales ledger for Ageing analysis and Balance report
News:Structured payment information to Danske Bank
News:Subtotal for Accounting date year in MED reports and MED&PRO reports
News:Subtotals for Insertion/End date, Order no + Ins.date./end date, Ins.date., End date
News:Suggestion from latest pre-invoice
News:Sum of selected rows
News:Sum of selected rows in Accounting queries
News:Sum of selected rows in the Table registration
News:Sums in invoice lists on the media plan
News:Superior client manager as selection and column data definition in media reports and as selection in Media queries.
News:Superior client manager on PRO clients and in PRO reports
News:Suppliers' invoices now bookable directly when saving
News:Support for Dimensions in Book discrepancies and Media invoices
News:Sync of Contract no field between PRO and MED
News:Sync of IC code to PRO
News:System setting of Marathon language
News:Sök i Ekonomi Frågor Konton
News:Tab for documents on Media clients
News:Template versions for Office and Pocket
News:The account balance is now presented in Voucher reg
News:The code in the user register must be the same as in the Emloyee register in PRO
News:The column template code IENH now show name instead of code
News:The suppliers invoice number in the list of vouchers
News:Time report approval by Immediate user
News:Transaction fees SEB
News:Two new Job types
News:Two new Media Report column concepts: Insertion/Delivery status and Media/Country code
News:Undo Order allocation
News:Unlock locked media orders in grpahical interface
News:Update timereport when marked as complete or full time
News:Urval på Kostnadsställe i Projektrapporter
News:Users in Media only for authorisation
News:Utökat stöd för representation i Utläggsredovisningen
News:Val om kurser ska behållas eller raderas vid kopiering av plan/order
News:VAT as a column data definition for Media reports
News:Warning when pre-invoice deduction exceeds WIP when creating new PRO invoice
News:Your reference on media plan
News:Ändra belopp i nettokolumnen vid registrering av tolkade mediefakturor
NEWSːDefault valuta i Projektrapporter
NEWSːNya summeringsbegrepp i Medierapporter
NEWSːSpara urval i Media/Avstämning
Payment reminders
Payments in the graphical interface
Periodical allocations
Pocket Expense reports
Pocket Time and Time log
Posting of a non-media related cost in a media invoice
Pre-invoicing in the Media system
Project queries
Purchase orders
Reconciliations between companies
Registrering medarbetare/användare
Resource planning
Revaluation of foreign trade debtors/creditors
SAF-T Finance in Marathon
Scanning of suppliers' and media invoices
Special authorisation for account administration
Special hourly rates
Surcharge agreements
Table registration
Technical specification
Time report approval
WIP valuation
Zero invoicing
aa - Afar
ab - Abkhazian
ace - Achinese
ady - Adyghe
ady-cyrl - адыгабзэ
aeb - Tunisian Arabic
aeb-arab - تونسي
aeb-latn - Tûnsî
af - Afrikaans
ak - Akan
aln - Gheg Albanian
am - Amharic
an - Aragonese
ang - Old English
anp - Angika
ar - Arabic
arc - Aramaic
arn - Mapuche
arq - Algerian Arabic
ary - Moroccan Arabic
arz - Egyptian Arabic
as - Assamese
ase - American Sign Language
ast - Asturian
av - Avaric
avk - Kotava
awa - Awadhi
ay - Aymara
az - Azerbaijani
azb - تۆرکجه
ba - Bashkir
bar - Bavarian
bbc - Batak Toba
bbc-latn - Batak Toba
bcc - Southern Balochi
bcl - Bikol Central
be - Belarusian
be-tarask - Belarusian (Taraškievica orthography)
bg - Bulgarian
bgn - Western Balochi
bho - Bhojpuri
bi - Bislama
bjn - Banjar
bm - Bambara
bn - Bangla
bo - Tibetan
bpy - Bishnupriya
bqi - Bakhtiari
br - Breton
brh - Brahui
bs - Bosnian
bto - Iriga Bicolano
bug - Buginese
bxr - буряад
ca - Catalan
cbk-zam - Chavacano de Zamboanga
cdo - Min Dong Chinese
ce - Chechen
ceb - Cebuano
ch - Chamorro
cho - Choctaw
chr - Cherokee
chy - Cheyenne
ckb - Central Kurdish
co - Corsican
cps - Capiznon
cr - Cree
crh - Crimean Turkish
crh-cyrl - Crimean Turkish (Cyrillic script)
crh-latn - Crimean Turkish (Latin script)
cs - Czech
csb - Kashubian
cu - Church Slavic
cv - Chuvash
cy - Welsh
da - Danish
de - German
de-at - Austrian German
de-ch - Swiss High German
de-formal - German (formal address)
diq - Zazaki
dsb - Lower Sorbian
dtp - Central Dusun
dty - डोटेली
dv - Divehi
dz - Dzongkha
ee - Ewe
egl - Emilian
el - Greek
eml - Emiliano-Romagnolo
en - English
en-ca - Canadian English
en-gb - British English
eo - Esperanto
es - Spanish
et - Estonian
eu - Basque
ext - Extremaduran
fa - Persian
ff - Fulah
fi - Finnish
fit - Tornedalen Finnish
fj - Fijian
fo - Faroese
fr - French
frc - Cajun French
frp - Arpitan
frr - Northern Frisian
fur - Friulian
fy - Western Frisian
ga - Irish
gag - Gagauz
gan - Gan Chinese
gan-hans - Simplified Gan script
gan-hant - Traditional Gan script
gd - Scottish Gaelic
gl - Galician
glk - Gilaki
gn - Guarani
gom - Goan Konkani
gom-deva - Goan Konkani (Devanagari script)
gom-latn - Goan Konkani (Latin script)
got - Gothic
grc - Ancient Greek
gsw - Swiss German
gu - Gujarati
gv - Manx
ha - Hausa
hak - Hakka Chinese
haw - Hawaiian
he - Hebrew
hi - Hindi
hif - Fiji Hindi
hif-latn - Fiji Hindi (Latin script)
hil - Hiligaynon
ho - Hiri Motu
hr - Croatian
hrx - Hunsrik
hsb - Upper Sorbian
ht - Haitian Creole
hu - Hungarian
hy - Armenian
hz - Herero
ia - Interlingua
id - Indonesian
ie - Interlingue
ig - Igbo
ii - Sichuan Yi
ik - Inupiaq
ike-cans - Eastern Canadian (Aboriginal syllabics)
ike-latn - Eastern Canadian (Latin script)
ilo - Iloko
inh - Ingush
io - Ido
is - Icelandic
it - Italian
iu - Inuktitut
ja - Japanese
jam - Jamaican Creole English
jbo - Lojban
jut - Jutish
jv - Javanese
ka - Georgian
kaa - Kara-Kalpak
kab - Kabyle
kbd - Kabardian
kbd-cyrl - Адыгэбзэ
kg - Kongo
khw - Khowar
ki - Kikuyu
kiu - Kirmanjki
kj - Kuanyama
kk - Kazakh
kk-arab - Kazakh (Arabic script)
kk-cn - Kazakh (China)
kk-cyrl - Kazakh (Cyrillic script)
kk-kz - Kazakh (Kazakhstan)
kk-latn - Kazakh (Latin script)
kk-tr - Kazakh (Turkey)
kl - Kalaallisut
km - Khmer
kn - Kannada
ko - Korean
ko-kp - 한국어 (조선)
koi - Komi-Permyak
kr - Kanuri
krc - Karachay-Balkar
kri - Krio
krj - Kinaray-a
ks - Kashmiri
ks-arab - Kashmiri (Arabic script)
ks-deva - Kashmiri (Devanagari script)
ksh - Colognian
ku - Kurdish
ku-arab - كوردي (عەرەبی)
ku-latn - Kurdish (Latin script)
kv - Komi
kw - Cornish
ky - Kyrgyz
la - Latin
lad - Ladino
lb - Luxembourgish
lbe - лакку
lez - Lezghian
lfn - Lingua Franca Nova
lg - Ganda
li - Limburgish
lij - Ligurian
liv - Livonian
lki - Laki
lmo - Lombard
ln - Lingala
lo - Lao
loz - Lozi
lrc - Northern Luri
lt - Lithuanian
ltg - Latgalian
lus - Mizo
luz - Southern Luri
lv - Latvian
lzh - Literary Chinese
lzz - Laz
mai - Maithili
map-bms - Basa Banyumasan
mdf - Moksha
mg - Malagasy
mh - Marshallese
mhr - Eastern Mari
mi - Maori
min - Minangkabau
mk - Macedonian
ml - Malayalam
mn - Mongolian
mo - молдовеняскэ
mr - Marathi
mrj - Western Mari
ms - Malay
mt - Maltese
mus - Creek
mwl - Mirandese
my - Burmese
myv - Erzya
mzn - Mazanderani
na - Nauru
nah - Nāhuatl
nan - Min Nan Chinese
nap - Neapolitan
nb - Norwegian Bokmål
nds - Low German
nds-nl - Low Saxon
ne - Nepali
new - Newari
ng - Ndonga
niu - Niuean
nl - Dutch
nl-informal - Nederlands (informeel)
nn - Norwegian Nynorsk
nov - Novial
nrm - Nouormand
nso - Northern Sotho
nv - Navajo
ny - Nyanja
oc - Occitan
olo - Livvi-Karelian
om - Oromo
or - Odia
os - Ossetic
pa - Punjabi
pag - Pangasinan
pam - Pampanga
pap - Papiamento
pcd - Picard
pdc - Pennsylvania German
pdt - Plautdietsch
pfl - Palatine German
pi - Pali
pih - Norfuk / Pitkern
pl - Polish
pms - Piedmontese
pnb - Western Punjabi
pnt - Pontic
prg - Prussian
ps - Pashto
pt - Portuguese
pt-br - Brazilian Portuguese
qu - Quechua
qug - Chimborazo Highland Quichua
rgn - Romagnol
rif - Riffian
rm - Romansh
rmy - Romani
rn - Rundi
ro - Romanian
roa-tara - tarandíne
ru - Russian
rue - Rusyn
rup - Aromanian
ruq - Megleno-Romanian
ruq-cyrl - Megleno-Romanian (Cyrillic script)
ruq-latn - Megleno-Romanian (Latin script)
rw - Kinyarwanda
sa - Sanskrit
sah - Sakha
sat - Santali
sc - Sardinian
scn - Sicilian
sco - Scots
sd - Sindhi
sdc - Sassarese Sardinian
sdh - Southern Kurdish
se - Northern Sami
sei - Seri
ses - Koyraboro Senni
sg - Sango
sgs - Samogitian
sh - Serbo-Croatian
shi - Tachelhit
shi-latn - Tašlḥiyt
shi-tfng - ⵜⴰⵛⵍⵃⵉⵜ
si - Sinhala
sk - Slovak
sl - Slovenian
sli - Lower Silesian
sm - Samoan
sma - Southern Sami
sn - Shona
so - Somali
sq - Albanian
sr - Serbian
sr-ec - Serbian (Cyrillic script)
sr-el - Serbian (Latin script)
srn - Sranan Tongo
ss - Swati
st - Southern Sotho
stq - Saterland Frisian
su - Sundanese
sv - Swedish
sw - Swahili
szl - Silesian
ta - Tamil
tcy - Tulu
te - Telugu
tet - Tetum
tg - Tajik
tg-cyrl - Tajik (Cyrillic script)
tg-latn - Tajik (Latin script)
th - Thai
ti - Tigrinya
tk - Turkmen
tl - Tagalog
tly - Talysh
tn - Tswana
to - Tongan
tokipona - Toki Pona
tpi - Tok Pisin
tr - Turkish
tru - Turoyo
ts - Tsonga
tt - Tatar
tt-cyrl - Tatar (Cyrillic script)
tt-latn - Tatar (Latin script)
tum - Tumbuka
tw - Twi
ty - Tahitian
tyv - Tuvinian
tzm - Central Atlas Tamazight
udm - Udmurt
ug - Uyghur
ug-arab - Uyghur (Arabic script)
ug-latn - Uyghur (Latin script)
uk - Ukrainian
ur - Urdu
uz - Uzbek
uz-cyrl - ўзбекча
uz-latn - oʻzbekcha
ve - Venda
vec - Venetian
vep - Veps
vi - Vietnamese
vls - West Flemish
vmf - Main-Franconian
vo - Volapük
vot - Votic
vro - Võro
wa - Walloon
war - Waray
wo - Wolof
wuu - Wu Chinese
xal - Kalmyk
xh - Xhosa
xmf - Mingrelian
yi - Yiddish
yo - Yoruba
yue - Cantonese
za - Zhuang
zea - Zeelandic
zh - Chinese
zh-cn - Chinese (China)
zh-hans - Simplified Chinese
zh-hant - Traditional Chinese
zh-hk - Chinese (Hong Kong)
zh-mo - 中文(澳門)
zh-my - 中文(马来西亚)
zh-sg - Chinese (Singapore)
zh-tw - Chinese (Taiwan)
zu - Zulu
qqq - Message documentation
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{{DISPLAYTITLE:News:Import of currency rates}}{{News |Import of currency rates |module=System |group=Base registers |version=546W2302 |revision=0 |case=CORE-4234 |published=2023-03-09 }} <b>Import of currency rates</b> An import of currency rates has been added to Marathon. You can use the quick input of exchange rates to import the rates from the central banks (Sveriges Riksbank, Norges Bank, Danmarks Nationalbank and the European Central Bank). In Base registers/General/Currencies, press QUICK REGISTRATION. {{ExpandImage|currency_rates_quick_registration.png}} In this view, the import is done with the button IMPORT CURRENCIES. {{ExpandImage|currency_rates_imported.png}} The new currency rates are then added to the currency table. The first time you do this, you should check carefully that the rates are as you intended. If you are not satisfied, you can edit the values before saving the table. In version W2302 there will be an option to set up the system to do this automatically every night.
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