News:Matching of estimate in time reporting

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Matching of estimate in time reporting
Published 2018-01-18
Module PRO
Version 546
Revision 42079
Case number 1009863

The function provides the user with information about how a certain project is planned and how may hours that remain from the estimate. The comparison is done based on the total estimate, ie not divided per employee, code or category.

Basically, all rows of the cost estimate are shown in the recociliation.

It is however possible to get a more specific reconciliation by using start- and end dates. If the day that the user reports time on is within the selected date interval, they can see how much there has been planned and reported during that interval.

Funktionen aktiveras med parametern: System/Basregister/Pro/Parametrar fliken Arvode: Visa rapporterat på budget

Exempel ovan på en Budget samt en tidrapport i Office med jämförelse mot gjort budget.

Exempel ovan på motsvarande tidrapport men i Pocket (Mobilversionen av tidrapporteringen, finns för iPhone och Android)