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Revision as of 15:20, 18 July 2018 by TR (talk | contribs) (Created page with "*Voinko vaihtaa epäonnistuneen kuvan kuluraportissa? Kyllä. Avaa raportti ohjelmassa {{pth|Taloushallinto|Korvattavat kulut}}, klikkaa saraketta Kuvat. Klikkaa {{btn|Lisä...")

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FAQ item
Published unknown
Module Accounting
Version 546
Revision unknown
  • Miten lisään tekstin kun rekisteröin projektille menevää erää kuluraportissa?

Käytä Teksti-saraketta. Teksti näkyy oston tiedoissa projektilla.

  • Miten poistan virheellisen kuluraportin?

Valitse raportti ohjelmassaTaloushallinto: Korvattavat kulut ja paina Mitätöi.

  • Voinko vaihtaa epäonnistuneen kuvan kuluraportissa?

Kyllä. Avaa raportti ohjelmassa Taloushallinto: Korvattavat kulut, klikkaa saraketta Kuvat. Klikkaa Lisää kuva ja hae uusi kuva. Kuvan on oltava muodossa pdf tai tiff. Poista sen jälkeen vanha kuva.

  • Where can I see if my expenses have been disbursed?

In the Status column in Accounting: Expense reports you can see when the disbursement has been executed. If your company pays your outlays with your salary, you will see the disbursement on your payslip

  • How can I correct an employee’s expense report before I post and book it?

Select the report in Accounting: Expense reports/Expense reports watch listand click on Bill. There you can make the changes you want.

  • Some fields are yellow when I’m posting the expense report, why?

The yellow colour indicates that the expense report not is complete. The employee might have left out expense type, VAT, purchase code or project

  • Do the employees have to register what’s deductable and not when they enter receipts concerning representation?

No, that is to be done by the person booking the expense. It is possible to facilitate the booking by using expense types and let the employees state who and how many persons attended.

  • Do I have to create new reminders every time the approver shall receive an email?

No, you can set a parameter that sends the mail automatically when an expense report is marked as ready. The setting is in System: Base registers/GL/Parameters/Registration.