Media-asiakkaiden ja asiakassopimusten hyväksyminen

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Media-asiakkaiden ja asiakassopimusten hyväksyminen
Published 2019-04-25
Module Järjestelmä
Version 546
Revision 46826
Case number 1075294

Media-asiakkaiden ja asiakassopimusten hyväksyminen

Aktivoi toiminto parametrilla Perusrekistereissä/MED/Parametrit, välilehti Perustiedot: Vaadi vahvistus

Aseta valtuustasoksi Rekisteröinti käyttäjille, joilla on kirjoitusoikeudet asiakastietoihin ja -sopimuksiin ja jotka voivat avata uusia asiakkuuksia ja sopimuksia mediaosiossa.

Set Authorisation to Confirm for users with the right to confirm changes made to Media clients and Client agreements and also to confirm newly added Media clients and Client agreements.

To be able to confirm changes the users needs read access to Registration of Clients and Client agreements.

When registering a new Media client or Client agreement the changes are done in the standard tabs.

The red circle indicates that changes to this field must be confirmed by another user.

A new Client or Client agreement will only be visible in the Base register until it's been confirmed by a user with the authorisation to confirm.

All clients and agreements that have a unconfirmed change are marked with the user that made the change and the date in the column Unconfirmed change.

All fields that have been changed and require confirmation are marked with a filled red dot.

All tabs that contain changed fields which require confirmation are marked with red.

Mouse over to display the previous value of a changed field.

Each red tab needs to be confirmed with the confirm button placed in the bottom of each tab.

The user will have to enter their password to be able to save the Media Client or Client agreement.