
From Marathon Documentation
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Betalningspåminnelser för fakturor kan skapas på två olika ställen i Marathons kundreskontra. Via Ekonomi: Kundfakturor/Frågor som lämpar sig bäst när man vill skicka påminnelser för enstaka fakturor. Om man vill göra ett större urval eller en kontrollerad körning kan det göras från Ekonomi: Kundfakturor/Påminnelser.

Betalningspåminnelse via Ekonomi: Kundfakturor/Frågor

Fyll i Per datum för att söka fram endast obetalda fakturor. Här kan även t.ex. Kund och Fakturanummer fyllas i.

I listan visas alla fakturor oavsett om de är förfallna eller inte. Listan kan sorteras genom att klicka med vänster musknapp i rubriken och filtreras genom att klicka med höger musknapp i rubriken.

På kunden i kundreskontran (Basregister/Kun/Kunder) anges om krav (påminnelser) ska skickas till kunden. Uppgiften kan ändras här för enskilda fakturor genom att klicka på knappen Ändra.

The invoice will be updated with the latest date a reminder was printed and how many reminders that has been printed.

Print payment reminder

Select one or more invoices and press Payment reminders

Print template Choose template for payment reminder
Test print Shows a preview of the printout.
Send Prints the actual reminder to PDF.
E-mail Shows the email address on the invoice. The field is editable. See Marathon's sending queue for email status.
Include invoice printout Prints a copy of the original invoice.

Payment reminders in Accounting: Client invoices/Reminders


The settings for payment reminders are in System: Base registers/SL/Parameters, tab Parameters 1.

Calendar days between reminders. Choose number of days between mailing of reminders.

Working days before 1st reminder. Days after due date before the first reminder shall be mailed. If the client pays on due date, it will take a few days before the payment is regisrered in the system.

Each client has a checkbox in the sales ledger (System: Base registers/SL/Clients) for sending reminders or not. That choice is automatically stated on new invoices, but can later be changed on the invoice. When creating a selection of reminders, there is a possibility to include clients and invoices that shouldn't get reminders as well.

New selection

Begin with making a New selection

Edit selection

Use the boxes in the X column to mark/unmark invoices.


The selection should be deleted, so that changes can be seen.


Select one or more invoices and press Payment reminders

Print template Choose template for payment reminder
Test print Shows a preview of the printout.
Send Prints the actual reminder to PDF.
E-mail Shows the email address on the invoice. The field is editable. See Marathon's sending queue for email status.
Include invoice printout Prints a copy of the original invoice.