Registrering av nytt företag
I Kontaktregistret finns en lista på de företag som ligger registrerade.
Registrera ett nytt företag genom att klicka på knappen Nytt företag.
Register employees
När det nya företaget sparats syns det i listan över företag och uppgifter om de anställda kan läggas in. Öppna företaget på nytt och komplettera med anställda genom att gå in på fliken Anställda och välj Ny.
It is possible to connect one person to several companies, for example if a person changes employer or works as consultant on several places. Hence there is a possibility to search earlier entered persons in the field Person. If you register a new person, leave that field blank.
The tab Personal data can be used for a person’s private information.
The personal data relates to the person’s code, and if one person relates to several companies and you make changes here, it will be changed in all companies.
To see companies and persons
On the start page of Contacts, select Companies or Persons.
Search | Delimit the list with different keywords. You can use several words and separate them with space. |
Only active | Lists only active companies/person |
Only own | Shows only companies whwrw you are the owner |
Category | Shows only a certain category |
Country | Delimits the list to a certain country |
Export | Exports data from Contacts to Excel |
Home page | Opens the company’s home page in the web browser |
Opens an e-mail and pastes the selected email address as recipient | |
Label | Formats the address so that it is easy to print as a label |
Base registers – Register countries and categories
Register categories and countries in System: Base registers, tab CTS.
You can use categories for labelling companies, for example as clients or suppliers. The label is shown on the persons related to the company. The persons can have one additional category, eg. Accounting department or CEO.
[Category: Manuals] [Category: PRO-CTS-EN] [Category: Projects]