Mediefakturering i bakgrunden

From Marathon Documentation
Revision as of 16:41, 2 December 2019 by TR (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Faktureingsprocessen pågår i bakgrunden oavsett om användaren går ut ur programmet eller stannar kvar. När faktureringsprocessen är färdig får användaren en notis. Om...")

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Mediefakturering i bakgrunden
Published 2019-11-28
Module Media
Version 546
Revision 48596
Case number 1103947

Mediefakturering i bakgrunden

Faktureingsprocessen pågår i bakgrunden oavsett om användaren går ut ur programmet eller stannar kvar. När faktureringsprocessen är färdig får användaren en notis. Om användaren har stängt av programmet visas notisen när hen loggar in nästa gång.

If the user stays in the program, then a notification is not shown.

If the user exits the program by pressing the white arrow backwards, then the selections for the printout are not saved.

All the orders affected by the printout are locked.

For test printouts the notification "Notification: Printout - Completed" is shown with the option to "Open". By opening the notification Marathon sends the user back to the Media invoicing and then the test printouts are printed.

For regular printouts the notification "Notification: Invoicing - Completed" is shown with the option to "Open". By opening the notification Marathon sends the user to Invoice distribution with the printed invoices available in the list. If the user have closed Marathon - then the notification will show when the user log in again.