FAQ:PRO/Queries-Client and project

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FAQ item
Published unknown
Module Project
Version 546
Revision unknown
  • Why can I not open a new project; i get an error message saying "Could not save: project number already exists"?

The project number counter is not in step with the numbers, probably because projects have been changed between clients. Adjust the number counter in Base registers/PRO/Clients and Projects on the client in the tab Parameters 2, field Latest project number.

  • How do I change ID on a project?

Use Classic 04-21-70. Note, that the ID you want to change to must be new. It cannot be taken by another project on the same client.

  • How do I change ID on the client?

Change client code in Classic 04-20-30.

  • Can I change currency on a certain project without changing it on the client?

Yes, go to the project in Base register/Pro/Client and project. In the tab Parameters 2, uncheck the box "Synchronize project with client". Then change the invoicing currency in the Invoicing tab.

  • How do I change our reference on a client invoice?

Go to the project in Change and select a new project manager.

  • Can I block a project from time reporting?

Yes, on the project in Base registers/Pro/Client and projectIn the tab Parameters 2, uncheck the box "Synchronize project with client".Then uncheck the box "Time reporting".

  • I have changed address on a client but it won't move to the projects, why?

Look at the project in Base registers/Pro/Client and projectIn the tab Parameters 2, make sure that the box "Synchronize project with client"is checked.

  • Where do I enter special hourly rates?

In Base registers/Pro/Client and project, tab Price Fee. The price list can be connected to the client or project in the Price Fees-tab.

  • Var lägger man upp nya arvode/inköp/övrigt koder?

Det gör man i Basregister/Pro/Arvodeskoder, Basregister/Pro/Inköpskoder och Basregister/Pro/Övrigtkoder.

  • Jag kan inte välja en viss medarbetare som projektledare, varför?

På medarbetaren i Basregister/Pro/Medarbetare måste rutan "Möjlig som projektledare, kundansvarig, produktionsledare" vara ikryssad, i fliken Allmänt.

  • Jag har lagt in avvikande priser på kunden, men de syns inte på projekten?

Förmodligen är priserna inte uppdaterade på projektet. Det görs i Basregister/Pro/Kunder och Projekt inne på kunden, i fliken Pris arvode. Tryck på Uppdatera projekt och kryssa i de projekt i listan som ska uppdateras med priserna. Alla nya projekt kommer därefter automatiskt att få denna prislista.