FAQ:ACC/Suppliers invoices-Watch list

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Revision as of 20:27, 29 October 2015 by JGE (talk | contribs)

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FAQ item
Published unknown
Module Accounting
Version 546
Revision unknown

  • Hur kan jag radera en ankomstregistrerad faktura?

Gå in i Leverantörsreskontra/Attestbevakning. Klicka på Faktura och välj Makulera faktura.

  • How can I change an attachment on a preliminary entered invoice?

Attachments on preliminary entered invoices are changed in Accounting: Suppliers' invoices/Watch list. Select the invoice and click SCAN, thereafter LOAD. Existing attachments will be fetched. Check the boxes at attachments that you want to remove and click DELETE. After that you can use SCAN/IMPORT to upload new attachments. Check the boxes at the new attachments and click SAVE.

  • How do I change approver on an invoice?

Change approver in Accounting: Suppliers' invoices/Watch list. Select the invoice, click on INVOICE and select new approver(s) in the Approver field.