Boka manuellt registrerade mediefakturor med omkontering

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Boka manuellt registrerade mediefakturor med omkontering
Published 2021-03-24
Module Media
Version W2103
Revision 0
Case number

Boka manuellt registrerade mediefakturor med omkontering

Ställ först in parametern "Boka med omkontering: konto" i Basregister/MED/Parametrar, flike Mediefakturor och ange konto.

Observera att det valda kontot är för tillfällig bokning av differensen, samma belopp kommer automatiskt att krediteras på kontot.

Therefore, the account must be an "OBS-account" or one that is not used for another purpose. The balance will always be 0 in the account.

A new button “BOOK WITH NEW POSTING" is then available in the registration of media invoices.

In Media/Media invoices – tab List, open or create a new invoice and click on the button BOOK.

The function allows a discrepancy between: media net + VAT and the total amount.

After clicking on the button "Book with new posting" the same page as corrections of vouchers appears.

The discrepancy has been booked on the selected account in the parameter and been reversed in the corrections part of the posting.

The rest can be booked on optional accouns, irrespective of the type of the integration, for instance against project.