Synkronisering av fältet Kontraktsnummer mellan PRO och MED

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Synkronisering av fältet Kontraktsnummer mellan PRO och MED
Published 2021-04-14
Module MED
Version 546W2104
Revision 0
Case number 1185735

Sync of Contract no field between PRO and MED

The existing field Contract no on the client in Media is now syncronised with the corresponding field on the client in Project.

The synchronisation is always enabled so if you already are using Contract no you should use the export function to see if the field content for each client is the same in both systems.

If not you need to decide which value that is correct and save that client to synchronise the value.

If you for example only have used the field in Media you can batch change all clients just to force the synchronisation to Project.