Upplägg av nytt företag
Upplägg av nytt företag
Lägg upp företaget under Basregister/Allmänt/Företag
Välj Ny och ange nedanstående under flik Allmänt.
- Code
- Name
- Organisation number
Select modules that the new company is going to use in the tab MODULE. Enter start and end for the first accounting year, and a VAT code in the tab G/L. SAVE.
The bookkeeping
Set parameters in Base registers/GL/Parameters
Register chart of accounts in Base registers/GL/Accounts. You can also copy a chart of accounts from another company in Accounting: Copy chart of accounts. You can also use a global chart of accounts. That means that you connect your chart of accounts with a chart of another company. That is done in Base registers/GL/Parameters: ”Company for global chart of accounts”. If the parameter ”Dimensions, not global” not is selected, also the cost centres and -objects will be the same. Keep in mind, that every change on accounts, cost centres and -objects will also be changed in all companies sharing the global chart of account.
Contact Kalin Setterberg for entering opening balance.
Sales ledger/Accounts receivable
Set parameters in Base registers/SL/Parameters.
Purchase ledger/Accounts payable
Set parameters in Base registers/PL/Parameters.
Project accounting
Set parameters in Base registers/PRO/Parameters.
Register a calendar for time reporting in Base registers/PRO/Calendar. Register the employees in base register/PRO/Employee. Set password to 123456 when updating.
Contact Kalin Setterberg if you want us to copy the following registers from your other companies, otherwise you must register them yourself in Base registers/PRO:
- Groups
- Job types
- Client categories
- Fee-, purchase-, and other categories
- Fee-, purchase-, and other codes
Company information is entered in Base registers/General/Company specific parameters, tab E-documents. These can be used in invoice templates etc. Contact Kalin Setterberg regarding printout templates that the company needs and if you want a special layout on them.
Contact Kalin Setterberg if your company is going to use the media module.