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Registrering af mediefakturaer

Denne manual beskriver hvordan du manuelt registrerer mediefakturaer ind i Marathon.


For atunderlette søgning og refgistrering, bør du koble medier med de leverandører, fakturaerne kommer fra

Begynd ved at klikke på Ny De kolonner som viser er kun til for fakturatolkningstjenesten, og bruges ikke i den manuelle registrering.


I dette eksemplet søger vi på mediekode Dersom mediet er koblet til en leverandøri basisregistret, vises leverandøren som forslag i feltene under Registrering. Hvis intet er koblet vil alle ordrer inkluderes ved valg af leverandør. I denne søgning viser resultatet kun

Du kan også søge på enkelte ordrenummer og få samme resultat, men i dette fald bliver ordren markered som søgeresultat.

Du kan fortsette søgning inde i søgeresultaterne (hvis det er altfor stort) på:

  • Afstemningskode(r). Afkryds feltene ved koderne, du vil se.
  • Ordrenummer

The registration

Select the insertions that shall be registered on the invoice. You can follow the total amount in the upper right corner and if everything agrees, the invoice can be booked immediately.

If the invoice doesn’t agree with the registered insertions, open the insertion and make a correction. The amounts under “this invoice” shall agree with the invoice amount. In this case the invoice amount is higher than what has been registered on the insertion, which makes a negative discrepancy. Correction can be made on gross, net or – if the discrepancy concerns commissions, on each commission row or as a total net-net amount.

If you must stop working with the invoice for a while, use the function Save as pending. It will thus be saved for later registration.

Other functions in registration

{class= mandeflist !Insert order |If you have started with the invoice and added an order later, you can fetch it here. Hence you don’t have to start searching all over again. |- !Create order |If there is no order and you need an amount in order to registrate the invoice. |}

Create order and enter an insertion date and client. This will be atemporary order and its number starts with 900.000. Open the order and enter amount. The invoice part of this order can later be moved to a “real” order in Reconciliation media invoices.

When booking the invoice you can see what number this temporary invoice got.

Change order number

Enter order number and insertion date. You can also move a part of an invoice by entering amount.

Reverse media invoice

This is done in the tab Booked invoices in Enter media invoices.