Translations:News:Merged functions and buttons/6/en

From Marathon Documentation
Revision as of 15:13, 12 November 2015 by Therese Mortimer (talk | contribs)

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Base registers Removed from Backoffice/Base registers
Authorisation Removed from System/Administration/Authorisation
Authorisation group Removed from System/Administration/Authorisation group register
Classic Not removed
Helpcenter Merging of the functions Support and Documentation that previously was under the cogwheel, also new functions for sending consultancy cases and FAQ.
Log Merging of:
  • System/Administration/Changes,
  • System/Administration/Event log,
  • System/Administration/Activity log,
  • System/Administration/KASE support (sox),
  • System/Administration/Licence history,
  • System/Administration/Usage of licence
Notifications Removed from System/Notiser
Sending queue Removed from System/Sending queue
Support cases Removed from System/Administration/Support cases