FAQ:SYS/Base registers/PRO/Invoice clients

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Revision as of 11:03, 23 November 2015 by TR (talk | contribs) (Created page with "*The invoice client has other terms of payments than the project client. It is not possible to set terms of payment on an invoice client. Either you will have to change it man...")

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FAQ item
Published unknown
Module System
Version 546
Revision unknown
  • What are invoice clients used for?

If a project has another invoicing address than the client. The project gets an own client code in the sales ledger, which ensures that possible reminder and interest invoice handling is done correctly.

  • The invoice client has other terms of payments than the project client.

It is not possible to set terms of payment on an invoice client. Either you will have to change it manually in the base registers or change due date at the time of printing the invoice.

  • Blir fakturakunden en egen kund i kundreskontran?

Ja, när en faktura skrivs ut till fakturakunden upprättas kunden samtidigt i kundreskontran.

  • Jag vill inte skriva ut fakturakundernas kontaktperson som referens på fakturan. Går det att ställa in?

Ja, det finns en parameter för detta i Basregister/PRO/Parametrar, fliken fakturering, Använd ej kontakt från fakturakunden.